What’s Your Glimmer?
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Between our busy routines, responsibilities at work and home, and the endless stream of news and information, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.
Help us spread some positivity! Comment below to share your glimmer–something or someone that you can always count on to make your day.
Need a positivity boost? Reading the hundreds of glimmers from your fellow readers is sure to put a smile on your face!
Any little one brings a smile to my face and makes my heart smile too
Music helps me get through EVERYTHING. It’s the soundtrack of my life♥️
My glimmer is my American Bully Betty Spaghetti she’s pregnant RN with her second litter 💓
Well , I can say
working out and stretching really help me feel amazing. Great cup of coffee… and the main thing for me is sunshine. I dont look to others or really outside myself bc I’m always the one to lift others up. However , really taking a moment for myself w the warm sunshine on my head and skin it makes me feel so grateful and alive.
Talking to my best friend, always puts a bright spot in my day.
My glimmer is seeing the sun each day. It shines right in my bedroom window. When there are clouds I still smile at the new day. I say to myself, One Day At A Time!
My husband is my best friend he’s always there with positive thoughts on what ever I’m going through at the time always remember life is too short to let it pass you by believe in yourself
I am 38 years old, and on the 21st of Dec. I had a massive hemorrhagic stroke that paralysed the left side of my body. I spent a few days in the hospital then was transfered to a skilled nursing facility where I could do physical therapy and occupational therapy. I was there from the 8th of jan.until Valentines day when I finally got to come back home. It been rough, and alot of hard work. But I am walking again with the help of a walker and able to get around for the most part. But the type of stroke I had only 1out of 4 actually survive. So the fact that I’m still here is a miracle.. I have to remind myself of that everyday when things get tough or I get frustrated with what I can’t do anymore. I just have to remind myself that I’m lucky to even still be here. I couldn’t have done it without my husband and my son they were the two that came and stayed with me at the skilled nursing facility. And have been by my side while I’ve been adapting to getting back used to being home and helping me through all my mishaps. I’m just still trying to find my new normal.
My glimmer is my partner.There is not a day that goes by, that he doesn’t wake up, with a smile on his face.when I come in from work he greats me at the car.he’s carrying my purse and everything that I took with me that morning. See I use to have a problem with our age difference. He is 27 and I’m 52 but he treats me better than most men my age.we get along great.my kids aren’t so happy about it…
but they are dealing with it. My son says he just wants me to be happy.my daughter doesn’t want me with anyone after the loss of her step dad.see Tyler saved me from taking my own life after loosing my husband. I have talked to my kids about this. I explained to them that I’m not perfect. mom’s make mistakes too…
Dear Grace
I do what I call Thankful Everyday. One thing that I’m thankful everyday it could be just opening my eyes, taking my first breath, having food to eat or a good nights sleep. Each day that very first thing puts me in a better mood.
We all can have negative things happen but it’s me that keeps me going. I am a positive thinking person and I love humor. I look at the past that I and everyone else survives and look forward with a positive attitude. Things happen for a reason. Now it’s up to us to see where it takes us.
I can always count on my dog to make me smile. He’s always right there next to me, by my side, through thick & thin. He loves me unconditionally & never asks for anything in return. He just wants food, water & lots of love in return.
My comfy recliner and my TV are always there for me to relax and be entertained after a hard day at work
I pray to God and I listen to positive sermons and worship and praise music
I have four glimmers living in my house with me! They’re furry and they walk on 4 feet. My cats cuddle up with me, instinctively knowing when I’m feeling ill or down. We all cuddle together at night to watch TV and then go to bed. They are also sweet and sensitive. I do not know what I would do without them. 🐈⬛🐈🐈⬛🐈
My glimmer ✨ are my babies! Button, my Min Pin/Chihuahua and Dipsey my Teacup Chihuahua. When I get home from a day of trying my best to help others deal with their homelessness, addiction, or Serious Mental Illness, nothing reminds me that all is not lost like they do!
The only thing that gets me through the day is my kitties, Nala and Vinci. They are the only things that give me any happiness every day. I would like to get a puppy or young dog too.
I love to start my day in God’s word. Even if it is a quiet prayer it helps my whole day go better. Then I always have my 2 golden retrievers that are ready to give me love.❤️🐕🦺
I know that I always have the love you God the father, Jesus Christ, and my children, including my nephew. This carries me through each and every day.
When having a bad day Know that God is forever by your side and not to take everything too seriously
My granddaughters ninth birthday was a few days ago and there was a small get together for family. Her sweet smiling face always give me a lift when I’m feeling down. There is no greater love in my life than my grandkids.
I personally can always count on my husband of 7 yrs and always my daughters np matter what tries to break me down I can always count in both of them and very grateful They keep me gounded at all times
Hugging a good dog is my fav glimmer!
Painting is my zen, I lose track of time, my thoughts bounce all over the place and I can just let them instead of trying to control my ADHD brain. Thoughts run free with no judgement from me or anyone else. I get lost in the music as the colors dance across my canvas to become whatever it wants to be.
Dear Grace, the glimmer for me at 78 is just waking up, my sons call and the sunrise! I thank God every day for my blessings! And my job!
I wake up to my dogs and they make life bearable for me
When I have a bad day I can always count on my loving Kitty 🐈⬛, Wheezy to cheer me up. He knows when I don’t feel good or have a bad day. He snuggles up for cuddles. I don’t know what I would do without him ♥️
My GLIMMER everyday is JOY in my LORD with worship on Sunday, the best. I’m blessed to be amazed at the least of GOD’S creations and smile my way through life.
Coming home to my person and seeing my animals is my glimmer! No matter if I had a great day and want to share, or a bad day and need a pick-me-up, this is exactly what I need. 🥰
My dog is ALWAYS happy to see me when I get home. I look forward to puppy cuddles before & after meals.
I can count on the joy I feel with my kids and grandkids
Being able to go to my Bible and have quiet time with God is what gives me hope.
After that, I find journaling is so good. Following that, I journal.
My go to happiness is my grandson no matter how down i am how ready to dive under the covers just the thought of my grandson makes me smile he has so much energy and personality that you cant stay sad or mad for long he makes a down day a much better one i love and cherish him every day of my life hes the happiest little boy ever i love you my bug
My rescue “Plott Hound” is my alarm clock every morning who is the happiest w his wagging tail, “time to feed me & let me outside “. Afterwards, I’ll drink a cup of coffee before returning back to bed for an hour w Snoop by my side. Note: the colder it is, the closer he is or should I say right on top of me. Cheers!
I have found that focusing on something new or something inspirational helps my mood to improve or at least not worsen. It sounds corny but some self care by way of self pampering has helped me in the past. I have sought out a therapist for when I decided to do some soul searching because some of those skeletons in my closet still scare me more than I realize. Moving on in life sometimes means leaving part of us behind, I have so much baggage that I just bury myself with it and the I’ll seated comfort it provides a newfound desire to change those ugly feelings inside me. I have gone what I can to forgive those who have hurt me, more for me than them, but the anger and ugliness is a painful reminder. To accept and take care of those wounds in order for healing to happen there needs to be room for happiness to bloom and hopefully flourish. If those pains won’t go away, change them. I say change them into something positive something inspirational. I feel that is what moving on is all about. Nothing will change the damage done to us, especially on the inside, the only thing I can control is how I feel about it. Turn it into a lesson of how to turn crap into a beautiful garden, as we all know that what makes the flowers the sweetest. The deeper the hurt, the crappier the pain is just the richer crap for the new beauty to take hold and grow to be appreciated. Hobbies, or anything positive and healthy, maybe some innocent mild indulgence or a faithful focus, it is Lent after all. What a great time to give something up. Our negative thoughts can (maybe not so) easily turn into a new habit. Let it be something that brings you joy. Hate only breeds hate. Love and kindness and positivity brings more to all around us. My inspiration comes in the form or meditation.
I wake up every morning blessed to be alive to enjoy 🙏 another day.
Prayer and laughter do it for me.
I can always have a great day when my 2 grandsons call each morning on the way to school and tell me they love me
My daughter avah always brings light to the dreariest of days. She’s such a good little friend always willing to try n make something positive in any situation. I love the way she says hooray!!!!! At the littlest of things. It makes every small moment seem exciting and helps get the ball rolling in a positive direction. It’s nice because it’s so east to be negative these days I see to much of it .
Smiling. I smile at everyone, with hopes of getting one back.
My Glimmer that helps me make my day stay positive is the fact that I left my soon to be Ex-husband for my sanity and health. I’m proud of myself and am so at Peace and happier than I’ve been in a very long time!!
I’m a positive person by nature anyhow but 12 years of living with a negative thinker was taking its toll on my health. My kids could see a marked difference a sadness in my face, and commented that ” Mom, you’ve got to get your happy back”.
So, I planned and planned, made calls and applications online for housing. Now I’m on a Senior waiting list and living with my daughter until then. I rise every morning and give thanks to God for giving me back myself!!
Well Grace, this comes after I had posted this writing by Shayna M. Clendon today. I can’t always count on others, but I can always count on myself!
I will breathe.
I will think of solutions.
I will not let my worry control me.
I will not let my stress level break me.
I will simply breathe.
And it will be okay.
God is my help in this life , i couldn’t make it without him , Life is rough
My pick up is reading for a 1/2 hour
Yes life is very non stop, & life does not stop when you need break the most…but becomes harder when things are truly hard in life … example. Currently I lost my father a year ago, 38 years I’ve had him every day, when I got married at 18 he moved in a guesthouse with my family. I never knew grief was this hard until now, but life is not gonna let me sit here and grief. I got to pick up my grief and carry it with me. Oh, and can’t leave out my menopause. Yep I am in full-blown menopause. I am grieving as well as trying to live a life with kids and a husband one chaotic day at a time things that help to release what I look forward to meditation, releasing, journaling, I HAVE TO JOURNAL & PRAY many times a day…. It helps
Remembering the things I once prayed for that I have today! This also helps me to have a better perspective when I am feeling overwhelmed with all the to do list going unchecked. And best of all, my 2 yr old granddaughter always brightens my world. Her mom, my 22 year old daughter is the “why” for a lot of the stress I carry, and they live with me, but I know, all of that is for another topic and another day! 😊.
When I’m havin’ a bad or horrible day (I feel U & your readers might not like what my answer is…but I’ll say it anyway) I go to Jesus ♥️ He ALWAYS makes things better!
My advice to all my problems is Him. He ALWAYS works things out for me. If you’re at the end of your rope, DON’T give up! He’ll surprise ya!
My husband filed for divorce while my mom was dying & now it’s just me, so my glimmer is my doggies!
When you wake up everyday to Live & Breathe A New Day, I read my Devotionals by GuidePosts & Read my Bible. If It wasn’t for my Dog I definitely would be Severely Depressed & in a Hole.
I have a positive quote that goes off on my phone everyday and I absolutely love it…
“Don’t trip over what’s behind you”