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What does luxury look like to you?

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In today’s world and on social media, it seems like luxury always looks the same: fancy sports cars, designer purses and clothes, and stunning vacation homes. Depending on the corner of social media you live in, luxury could take the shape of pricey skin care, makeup, or even a “perfect” fitness routine. 

These examples of “luxury” really don’t do it for me. As far as I’m concerned, luxury is:

  • Getting my produce from the farmer’s market
  • Slow mornings with my dog 
  • Treating myself to a coffee with friends

Share in the comments: What are the luxuries you’ll never take for granted?

Dear Grace


In Focus


  • Luxury to me is “my” people, whether it be close family or friends, good health, and free time – in nature or doing what brings you joy. Live music. A relaxed, great meal with a dear friend. Seeing your kids happy. Grandchildren.

  • Strawberry shampoo in Colorado.

    I use to think it was diamonds & pearls, silver & gold, furs & name brands, Gucci, Prada, etc. Living in a castle, mansion, palace.
    It’s not that way at all. Movies, reading & social media has opened up a new way to feel luxurious.
    Taking a walk with a friend, sitting with your cats & watching them play, your dogs are by you either they want to play or just sleep by you. Drinking a cup of a favorite tea or coffee, soup too. Cool breezes. Putting your feet in the sand. Rosarys in my hands feels very luxurious.

  • Luxury to me can mean many things.

    Love, happiness, sanit it can mean it all. But to me luxury is living.
    A lot of people don’t have that. So everyday I try not to take my life for granted

  • For me, luxury is feeling secure that I’m not going to get thrown out on the streets tomorrow, and that my utilities aren’t going to get turned off.
    It’s the text message from my Mom, knowing she and my Dad are still with us.
    It’s my husband coming home at night, and not having to worry about him.
    These are just a few of the things I value most in life.

  • Luxery to me is having time to RELAX, and just being in the now.
    This doesn’t happen very often for me, it seems as if I’m always working towards that time. Lately I am able to be in the now more often, however relaxing is something I am constantly striving for.

  • Air condition and freedom just ask anyone locked up in a state jail or prison. They will agree in fact everything in life is like a luxury to a prisoner. The price you pay
    for committing a crime is never worth the losses

  • Having material things are ok. It is a need to have material things to do your daily living. But the most important luxury is having your health, family, friends, and a comfortable home. Yes, you may spoil yourself once in a while. That’s ok you can you should. When my kids were growing up, they would give me art pictures that they made. Those are priceless. Now I have grandchildren they give me pictures that they made. Another priceless simple luxury.

  • As a 70+ year old, who is a 21yr. cancer survivor, the greatest luxury in life is TIME! Spending time with your family and friends and even alone is the ultimate gift of luxury!
    Making the most of those moments are more valuable than anything you could ever buy!!!

  • In today’s time, life luxuries are exactly what each individual thinks what they are. i wont tell a lie, i would love to be in a luxurious home with a big kitchen layout, or on a yacht enjoying the sun gazing upon me.
    but really my time with all my children together sharing, laughing, cooking and bonding are what life luxuries are for me. i love being in the company of them all even as adults. however, with everyone on their own living their lives, time does not permit. being surrounded by the ones u love and love u is my idea of luxury.

  • Peace of mind, health, a belly laugh and most of all my family and the blessings of my grandchildren and my forever friends are a luxury and a gift!!!!

  • In my past, I’ve had all I’ve needed @ times & I’ve gone without plenty also, living put of my car even so I’m aware what luxuries are. Going 2 the tanning bed, getting pedicures or having my hair professionally trimmed are all luxuries 2 me. Not having to only buy things off the clearance rack & name brand hair care products are also

  • Luxuries don’t have to cost a lot of money to be some thing that you consider to be a luxury.
    1.One of my biggest luxuries is having friends that when I call them and they pick up the phone, there’s warmth in their voice.
    2. French Vanilla coffee creamer
    3. Long sessions in my jacuzzi

  • For me this is spending time
    With my children and my family.
    Being able to provide what is needed for my 3 beautiful girls and being able to see them thrive in life

  • So, on TV they keep talking about this new car or you can make money doing this or that. My husband works really hard for us to have what we need. So we don’t have many luxuries. But I have learned to be content

  • Luxury is having someone to share things with. I am a widow, My son lives a day’s drive away and my siblings are clear across the country. Having a housemate again and being able to talk to him at night when he comes home from work is a true luxury. If I have someone to share holidays with that is a real luxury. Having a big backyard where I can look at the grass and the open forest and the sunlight dappling through it. Seeing flowers blooming for a very short growing season. Seeing the mountains as I drive around in my area. Knowing that where I live, people are not afraid of each other and will help out strangers. Not having to put up with city problems as I live in a small town. And there is a bigger town nearby, with just about everything I need. I came from a huge urban area decades ago, So not having to deal with city problems is a real luxury!

  • Having someone to share things with. Now that I am a widow and my grown son lives far away, Having a housemate to talk to.
    When He comes home from work is a real luxury. If I have a friend to do anything with that is a luxury. Having anyone to share a holiday with is a real luxury. Having a big yard with lots of grass, trees, flowers and the sun dappling in it in the morning, seeing that peaceful scene is real luxury. Seeing the mountains around me when I drive and realizing that I don’t have to deal with big city problems is a real luxury. Living in an area where people are not afraid of each other is a real luxury. I came from a big city decades ago, and I do not miss city living at all.

  • My life luxury is knowing I have awesome God and reading and meditating in his word. Just relaxing and taking a moment to thank him. I don’t want things, bills will be bills, money comes and goes, I traveled and worked good jobs and horrible jobs. I can sit and watch nature at work knowing God is in control and he reminds us everyday. Read and sit with my cat and look outside.

  • Luxuries: I’m a 72yr old woman who wants a great man as partner. I also want a wonderful relationship with my only surviving child. My surviving siblings to be very happy and supportive of me.

  • Luxury in this mad world is peace and quiet!
    Everyone wants loud music, loud trucks, loud voices…
    A quiet garden, an empty beach… some where that nature can take over your senses…

  • Luxury to me is the bills being paid, food on the table, time with my family and fur babies. The biggest luxury of all is forgiveness from the Lord upon redemption. The most important luxuries in life are often overlooked. Luxuries aren’t expensive,their blessings.

  • Sylvia Loven Carter

    I don’t take life for granted anymore, since surviving 2 Cerebral Aneurysms in 1999. I had to learn to walk and talk again. I’m grateful for each day no matter the trials.

  • To be honest with you and my self as long as I have someone in my corner and stand by me with faith then that’s all I really need sincerely,

  • Having a family that actually cares about you. Being able to sleep in. Being able to stay home with my kids.

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