What does luxury look like to you?
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In today’s world and on social media, it seems like luxury always looks the same: fancy sports cars, designer purses and clothes, and stunning vacation homes. Depending on the corner of social media you live in, luxury could take the shape of pricey skin care, makeup, or even a “perfect” fitness routine.
These examples of “luxury” really don’t do it for me. As far as I’m concerned, luxury is:
- Getting my produce from the farmer’s market
- Slow mornings with my dog
- Treating myself to a coffee with friends
Share in the comments: What are the luxuries you’ll never take for granted?
Luxury to me is waking up each morning to my children, making them food to nourish there body’s. To have a roof over there head! Which right now is a struggle for me. I’m a single mother and was in between jobs and I feel behind on rent. Now I start my new job finally on Monday,but that leaves another 2 weeks or so before I have a check. So as of right now I’m waking up in tears feeling that I’ve let my children down and that I’m gonna loose there home.
Heat and air conditioning. I don’t have air conditioning. I use fans and open the windows
Fresh fruit, a letter or phone call from an old friend, a true hug, being able to restore my smile. Luxury is not having to choose between my medicine and the electric bill. ❤️
Having a roof over our heads warm blankets and a cozy bed with great friends and family and our pets loving on us, that’s luxury to me .
Knowing Jesus as my Savior. Everything else means nothing.
My life’s luxuries are spending unlimited time with my family especially my grandchildren. I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer the same year my daughter got pregnant with my first grandchild. I wrote letters to her and my grandchild, not knowing if it was a boy or girl. I said this “I will always love you whether you meet me or not. I will always be there in your mom’s heart.” I’m so glad that he is a part of my life. That little guy is my best friend. I love him with everything that I am and would never want to give away my time to anything else.
Life’s luxuries?
Honest, healthy and meaningful relationships.
An appreciation for the life you’ve been given
The ability to remain calm during chaos
Being able to buy groceries an.pay my bills are to me a luxury. I work hard but everything is more an more expensive
I think greatest luxury that exists is free time. Time to spend with friends or rest or do the things you love. People work and work for money to buy stuff, but then have no time to live life to the fullest. I’ve learned that if I’m content with the bare necessities, I can work less and enjoy life more. Time is luxury. My next biggest luxury is being able to live in a beautiful area, surrounded by nature and breathtaking scenery. That feeds my soul. I’d rather live in a tent in a beautiful area than a penthouse apartment in the city. I feel blessed that I’ve always lived in areas that tourists spend money to visit. Living very simply allows this. It’s also luxurious to curl up with a good book and a cup of something hot. Luxury doesn’t require money.
Luxury to me is being able to wake up healthy willing and able to see your loved one’s experiencing the same,living and experiencing life on the day to day is a luxury within itself,
Good morning grace I see luxury as being able to wake up every morning to healthy happy babies and being able to pay my bills on time and being able to afford my children and my groceries
Things I consider a luxury are owning my own home and peace of mind and soul.
Spending time with my love ones
Relaxing why watching a good movie.
Luxury to me is feeling loved.
To be able to provide food, roof over our heads. To be free of an abusive relationship. To be able to make my son and I are no longer homeless.
Time and space ,to meander, and procrastinate , about mindfulness, and the nature of things .
The things I find to be a luxury are watching the sun rise and set, good people who are honest, the gratitude I feel for the small but, important blessings I get each and every day 😊
Having the love of Jesus and being able to open my eyes to see another beautiful day and have love of my children and grand babies and family this is what luxury to me because money can’t make you happy it will pay bill and help put food on the table you have to take all your time figure out how to keep it be blessed and enjoy your life in Jesus name
What luxury would look like to me?
Enough money in the bank so my semi retired husband could be home more!
He’s 65 and still trying to work❣️
He has knee pain every day! 🙏
Luxury for me personally would be getting out of bed without pain…
To be able to move freely and not be on guard waiting for the pain to get worse❗️Faith is what sees me through❣️🙏
Luxury to me is a quiet morning with good coffee. Dogs & cats keeping me company.
Trying to go out of state to visit grand children! Of course health and some stability would help
Running water is a luxury.
Luxury to me, is 10 acres in the middle of nowhere with no neighbors and a couple of horses.
To me luxury is spending time with my grandkids and watching them grow. They remind me of my children when they were little. Oh how I miss them being that age. I love how my grown kids are beautiful parents. So for me it’s watching my kids be wonderful parents and knowing my grandkids are loved and in good track to have to a very fulfilled life m.
Being able to get my hair done! Going on vacation cause I haven’t been in a long time! Having my own place and a better vehicle!
Luxury represent the realization of my financial goals, being successful with all entrepreneurial ventures. I want to continue to work because I love it not out of necessity.
*Luxury is a cuss word to some of us that pay taxes, keep nose in our own business that’s a luxury in my book….. The human race has lost its honor, our children are poisoned by all this material stuff. For me personally a luxury is my front porch listening to nature….. Luxury is a cuss word. *
Being able to get my hair done, being able to go on vacation cause I haven’t been in a long time! Having own place and a better vehicle!
Life luxuries to me include peaceful sleep, health, a family in good health, having people who genuinely love you, sunshine on my skin, and waking up with a sound mind.
My ideas of luxury and or luxuries would be,
1. Spending very much quiet time with our wonderful God..
2. Spending all the time with our kids..
3. It’s most definitely a luxury when u work in an environment and LOVING what u do..
4. Walk around at nighttime and gather hobbies such as catching frogs with my 6 year old.
5. Exercise is a great luxury as well
My family is my luxury. They are our greatest blessing. Spending time with my children and children is all the happiness I need.God has blessed me with 3 awesome kids and 15 grands
luxury to me is making memories with my son, having morals for myself. not wordly things that i cant take with me.
To me it’s having enough money to pay my bills and get food..
Luxury for me is being worry free. Being present each day of life. Nothing will ever be perfect. Just having no need to worry is perfect enough for me. True freedom.
I’m sure when many people think luxury they think big houses cars beach homes. I’ve been blessed to see many of life luxuries but luxury to me is love and family. I was always taught. Life is measured by love and my cup runs over. I am the richest woman in the world.
Luxury for me is:
Being loved without feeling obligated.
Being accepted without having to fit in.
Most importantly, enjoying a great Carne Asada taco and it’s not even Tuesday.
Luxuries to me are caring for my older cats.
Luxury for me is security or peace of mind. Not guessing how I’m going to afford this or that or wondering how I will survive day to day life.
Time, love, friendship are all luxuries. Taken for granted.
Luxury for me would be my most extreme desire: to haveall my children in one place at the same time again. Enough food, money, car, house, would be good but absolute luxury would be all my children (now adults)together. I took for granted all the family baseball games and football games and parties. I would give almost anything to have one right now.
“LUXURY” – It holds so much value. Being single and making ends meet, barely I would say is it for me….Working 2 regular jobs and 3 side jobs..,,it is exhausting but luxury holds value -I believe waking up, and having a roof over my head right now in this moment would be it for me. I’ve had it good but my core values as a child have come back around.
Hi Grace, I see luxury as being able to have the things that you desire. Traveling the world at ease, eating whenever you want at ease. Spending quality time with the people you love.
Luxury means to me anything that consist of peace, joy and love in an emotionally, mentally and spiritually mature way that when you give it away to whomever and whatever you don’t have to worry about it because it’s a blessing to even be alive!!!!
Having a roof over my head is a luxury, a toilet, running water. Having the courage to get out of the rat race and start my own business.
Have the means to buy nourishing food. These are ALL luxuries. We are very spoiled in the US. I traveled to countries where they have so little and are very grateful.
Good health, loving family, reliable and caring friends, and a job you don’t hate.
Financial Freedom is definitely a mandatory luxury that we all should experience. In this world where money matters, it also leads to other freedoms like traveling, being able to relax because your baser needs are met. You can’t beat that😃😃😃.
All people need to have no problems with their basic needs met regardless of their economic issues. USA government are bias to certain groups, and they want you to support the politicians.The government can’t stand 😒 people see them as they are .
To be able to not worry about where your next meal is coming from or where you will find the money to pay your bills. To not have the worry of can I afford health insurance or the dentist not having to think about having money for medication that can change your life that to me is luxury
My luxuries in life are enough food for the month. A roof over my head and electric. My family coming to visit with all my grandkids is great. What else could I ask for? Mainly God in my life…..
My cozy comfy bed
My serenity
A fireplace on a cold rainy day
My healthy body so I can carry a message
My perfect vision that I can witness God’s miracles