What does luxury look like to you?

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In today’s world and on social media, it seems like luxury always looks the same: fancy sports cars, designer purses and clothes, and stunning vacation homes. Depending on the corner of social media you live in, luxury could take the shape of pricey skin care, makeup, or even a “perfect” fitness routine. 

These examples of “luxury” really don’t do it for me. As far as I’m concerned, luxury is:

  • Getting my produce from the farmer’s market
  • Slow mornings with my dog 
  • Treating myself to a coffee with friends

Share in the comments: What are the luxuries you’ll never take for granted?


  • Luxury for is seeing my family and friend that haven’t seen in awhile and having fun in the sun. Enjoying walks with my dog and maybe take a cruise, for me is due time to have this luxuries time

  • All of my family and friends, (including those who have gone ahead) around the kitchen table drinking coffee and having about 6 different conversations going at once. Knowing we’ll all be together again someday. I would take that in the house my Dad built way out in the country with not even indoor plumbing over the most beautiful castle and finest of everything this world has to offer.

  • Luxury for me is to have a roof over my head & a working car to move around. Lost everything & starting over again. Lost my home & mostly everything inside.

  • Happiness for my loved ones.
    A roof over every ones head including me and my dog.
    Good health did everyone I love. And to be able to survive and get by.

  • i think just having a home, a family, a stable job, and good health is luxury because not a lot of people have it.

  • Life is a luxury. Having the basic necessities: food, shelter, family are gifts for which to give thanks.

  • I have the luxury of no worry, no anxiety and no stress, and it was freely given to me by God when he opened my eyes 21 Years ago. I have had a relationship with him ever since. ☺️

    I understand not everyone gets this luxury, But for me, giving everything over to God and letting him control everything was the biggest luxury I could ever receive and it was absolutely free. True unconditional love does not have a price tag….

  • Luxury is free time to do what I want. Time with family, friends, myself; time is priceless and non-refundable.

  • Good health, an abled body, sound mind, a roof, healthy food to eat, a quiet space are all luxuries.

  • A house and food. These are luxuries I would love to have and not worry about at my age. But all I seem to have are bills, bills and more bills, with very little money to pay them.

  • My luxury is an available family and my essential needs met without any hardship. Everything else is just extra, and I have learned to appreciate it for what it is. It is the butter on my bread. I could have the bread anyway but the butter may not always be in reach. I’m thankful for bread! I realize who butters my bread!

  • Luxury in my life is having a roof over my head, food in my belly, a place to call home for my family, slow days with my newborn baby girl and our dog. Having my husband home safe every weekend from his dangerous job. Just knowing that Jesus loves me and God is gracious in my life is a Luxury.

  • Michelle Southard

    My idea of ‘Luxury’ is being able to pay ALL my bills, feed my animals, buy my medication and put fuel in my car and have something left over for a treat of whatever I choose

  • Trusting God’s plan is luxury. Living each moment trusting your heart your soul your loved ones and being in a relationship with his to know his plans. That’s luxury. Knowing god is in control of each breath and each beating heart is luxurious. Believe in yourself to know you’re living what you believe in. Do believe in your life and love your life. That’s gods biggest blessing and gift. Each day knowing that you’re loved by the universe is process to take in slowly. One day at a time. Make it happen

  • Having a roof over head and clean water , a way to cool the air and electricity to cook with plus a store stocked with food!

    I have a friend from Kenya and the village he was from the women had to walk
    10 KM to watering hole that all the animals used too.
    I read about the people in Ukraine and Gaza and am very glad I don’t have missiles and bombs going off and destroying everything around me, my family , home and the land!
    We should be very grateful for all we have!

  • Luxury, to me, is having health insurance that pays almost everything, so that when I need to go to the doctor, I can just go and not worry about it. I’d want the same for my family. It would be healthy and supportive relationships, the ability to live with or near the people who feed my soul. It would be the ability to eat what I want to eat, food that’s fresh and well-prepared, even when I don’t have time to cook, not being relegated to a highly-processed dollar menu because money is so tight. The ability to really enjoy free time and indulge in new hobbies and learning opportunities. So many of my days are working until I feel half dead, grabbing a mcchicken, and falling into bed so exhausted but also worrying about all the non-work things that I’m not nurturing, with the best parts of my support system halfway across the country.

  • Luxury, I would say, depends entirely on perspective.
    You ask what does luxury look like to me. Depends on how I perceive the question. Is the luxury what I see others with or that which I desire?
    Basically I agree wirh all the comments that I have read.
    Personally I don’t require most material things others consider a luxury. I am content with the daily blessings. Don’t believe that I would trade any of them for what I consider a material luxury… fancy boats, cars, homes, jewelry, designer items.
    I’m me without them. May everyone be blessed!

  • Spending time with my kids and my husband – trying to carve out “me” time in an 8am to 5pm world. Making time for my girlfriends for dinner once a month. Spending time volunteering and attending events with my local library. Really just being more involved and evolved.

  • I see his luxuries nowadays as being able to pay all your bills that you need to pay during the month having a nice house that is moderately expensive, but you can live in and maintain a roof over your head having a card that works it doesn’t have to be the most expensive And having your children and your loved ones around you to celebrate your life. Those are what I see nowadays

  • Luxury feel like:

    1. Slow mornings

    2. 4 Vacations a year (1-2 weeks at a time with having all bills paid before and after the vacation.

    3. Building my financial accounts to move overseas.

  • Having a mind that is able to fully understand what is going on around me. One that can make decisions on my own. Clarity… A sound mind

  • ToyaAKAbornhustler

    Spending time with my family and friends and talking to my Godchild from Nigeria and making money

  • Luxuries I never take for granted: being able to worship as I so choose, being free to live wherever I want and can afford to, being able to love whom I want without fear of having another that can nullify that, and being free to go to college without fear of retaliation based on my gender or religious affiliation. Sadly, there are still many in this country that cannot be safe in their schools, their churches and in their neighborhoods. That saddens me.

  • I have the luxury of being fully retired at 57. My husband & I are middle class-no wealth here. It’s incredible to no longer be in a stressful work environment daily. I’m blessed and will never take this for granted.

  • I’m not going to lie, I do like nice things. However, to me, luxury comes in forms other than the material things of this world. A clear conscience, loyalty, faith, respect, and being able to lay my head down at night knowing I’m doing the very best I can. I think it was Maya Angelou who once said, “do the best you can until you know better. When you know better, then be better”. So that’s how I live my life. I have a wonderful husband of 27 years, we have a son and a daughter who have just finished college. If I can look at myself in the mirror knowing I’ve been the best wife and mother than I know how to be, and the best friend, sister, and daughter I know how to be….. man, that’s freaking luxurious to me.

  • Luxury to me would be being able to take a vacation with my whole family and knowing I wasn’t dipping into the “ bill” money to do it!

  • My luxuries would be the health of my family, to be debt free & have a comfortable life. No need for expensive, fancy cars or house.

  • Being surrounded by family & having a comfortable home. Being free to walk in nature. Being close to a beach.

  • The simple things in life are the most luxurious- a home, children, pets, someone to love. These are the real riches of the world.

  • My life luxuries are still being able to walk and to to scrape by paying for my apartment, gas and light bills. A few dr and hospital bills and my medication. Then just having enough to put a little in my car and a little bit of food and then basically sitting at home till the next month and do it all over again. I don’t need fancy wasn’t brought up that way and that’s not me.

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