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What does luxury look like to you?

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In today’s world and on social media, it seems like luxury always looks the same: fancy sports cars, designer purses and clothes, and stunning vacation homes. Depending on the corner of social media you live in, luxury could take the shape of pricey skin care, makeup, or even a “perfect” fitness routine. 

These examples of “luxury” really don’t do it for me. As far as I’m concerned, luxury is:

  • Getting my produce from the farmer’s market
  • Slow mornings with my dog 
  • Treating myself to a coffee with friends

Share in the comments: What are the luxuries you’ll never take for granted?

Dear Grace


In Focus


  • Food, bills, being able to afford something for my grandkids for school. I can’t even buy a box of crayons for them.

  • Hi Grace. It’s funny that this topic came up. I’ve always been viewed by some of my friends as being cheap. I look for value and function in things rather than luxury. I’m not the type to buy things because of the brand name. SOMETIMES cheaper is actually better.

  • At 78 years old I have seen many changes! Luxuries to me is a nice place to live, a vehicle, social security deposited to an acct… instead of me having to go to a bank, excessibility to anything I want to buy, or to eat, or to participate in…and most of all I think the excessibility to KNOWLEDGE is my favorite luxury…it is instant !!!!…thank you Grace ! Good subject matter ! ♥️

  • A soft warm bathrobe and towel is one of the luxuries I treasure. Plus a great cup of coffee and homemade bread with fresh jam is the ultimate luxury for me. And of course a great book to read!

  • For me, my health is the biggest luxury that I miss because I recently had a stroke in October 2023. Not being able to drive my car because of the stroke is upsetting me I would consider having my car to drive as a luxury so that I can visit friends and go visit I need to go to, live with friends and enough money to pay my bills is a luxury. Having my cat company and my comfort because of my stroke just being able to get back to what I was doing before which is not spending money But seeing my friends. You don’t have to be rich and own lots of things to have luxury having peace and love and friends is what’s important.

  • To me luxury is having my health back I had a stroke in October 2023 now I cannot drive my car luxury would be to be able to drive again and visit friends and go with friends not to spend money but to see them again and we have the drive there instead of having Care pick me up Luxury driving and going places with friends that’s spending money because I don’t have a lot of money. I’m 77 and retired, but it didn’t think he is still gonna be the way to finish my ears on earth. I said good health and being able to drive and not taking places with my cat being able to have a place to live which I do and just be happy, just having my life back as it was

  • Life’s luxury’s are things we all to often take for granted. Time with those we love and care about because once they are gone you can’t ever have it again. I would give anything to spend time with my youngest daughter who recently passed away from a ATV accident at 12 years old. Being able to live comfortably and not stress over how bills will get paid or if you will have a roof over your head, a bed to sleep in, and food in your belly. Those moments of alone time you get to relax and soak in a relaxing hot bath. It’s the little things like that that make a person happy and that are life’s luxuries.

  • Love is a luxury, not everybody has experienced unconditional love. The kind that comes from a relationship with God the Father

  • Your life is a luxury because you don’t know if you’re going to see tomorrow and live everyday like it’s your last

  • So much wonderful perspectives written here! So many people thankful for simple things and the reality that the reverse is true for others. It’s a luxury to live off of others by trying to convince them of what ‘luxury’ should be for them. How do I define luxury when it comes to that? I can look away, change the channel, skip, delete w/o reading, not answer the door or the phone, turn around and walk away. And enjoy the ‘luxury’ of not being required to engage in any interaction I don’t wish to be involved with. That’s just me.

  • Audrie Vandeventer

    Being able to pay my bills, buy food. Get some life insurance, and start paying on a funeral expense plan, so much children are not left with nothing. Maybe have a little something in my pocket left for a treat like a weekend trip or something.

  • My idea of luxury is having all the time of the world and simply doing life as I please and preferably without a schedule even though I know it’s very important to have a discipline, but also being able to be thinking outside the box and not having a mundane life, something exciting new every day to learn and yeah I guess health and wealth cool but you know you gotta have love too

  • Diane Ellenberger

    Going out to Dinner. I was raised by both parents that lived thru the depression. We were comfortable. Mom was a homemaker so we had home cookd meals ALL the time. Dinner out was maybe on vacation or a birthday. We were also lucky to livd clise to all 3 schools so we were lucky to walk to schooI for 12 yrs. Kept us in shape! I now personally do not eat out much due to the expense & the quality now. But I learned how to cook. Everyone should.

  • To me, luxury is living in Peace and Safety. Also having Healthy Soil and Pure Water to keep my plants, trees and animals healthy and thriving, with
    Health and Self Reliance, for many years to come.

  • I don’t know what luxury feels like because I always been poor as I was growing up so I couldn’t tell you how I feel when it comes to luxury.

  • I think luxury is having a few close, honest and loyal friends. Friends that you can trust and are there for you when you need them.

  • Julia Cameron Damon

    The ultimate luxury for me is exquisite radiating health. Because if you are healthy all else is possible. Other luxuries I really enjoy:
    The space, light and energy to grow
    Several Gardens.
    Time and local to take long walks in the woods.
    Safe meandering bike paths through my city.
    Loved ones to cook delicious deeply nutritious dinner parties for.
    Enough to share with whomever I encounter along the way🩷

  • Knowing God and Jesus without getting attacked. Freedom from the consequences of this kind of violence I’m dealing with. FREEDOM

    Having a church to go to, Having a job where everyone doesn’t see you as a burden or liability because you have a disability, and it pays the bills and still be able to eat and pay for car insurance, etc.

    People that can over look a mistake and be able to forgive instead of retaliation. Privacy, in my home and electronic devices.

    Good healthcare with a doctor that genuinely wants to help and get to the root of the issue. Good health (mentally and physically)

    Love, joy, peace and quiet, equity, family that loves me and wants to spend time with me.

    Genuine friendships,

    Having a place to live and a vehicle to drive back and forth to work, clothing, and everyday necessities.

  • Being able to have a restaurant meal once per month, and enough funds to pay for Uber to get us there and return us home. Can’t afford, car, Insurance, gas. Ho-hum

  • They say driving is a privilege. On another note I find the car you get to drive as a luxury. But my idea of luxurious isn’t the cost it’s what you make of it and usually it’s something you can’t hold if you want to get sentimental with it. A college degree, being about to have a scholarship or grants or and inheritance but really it’s family. Not many people have them so cherish them.

  • My luxuries are spending time with family, able to spend a bit on occasion to do something nice, having enough for bills and food, and getting something I’ve been wanting after saving back for it. Plus being able to have some time to myself for pampering if possible.

  • I am 70 on 16th, I have 15 years old maltipoo.
    We live on SSN
    Luxury for me is affording her grain free dog food/treats due to her sensitive stomach issues!!!
    We are fortunate to have food,shelter and clothing!!!

  • To be able to have my own life a place to live a little bit of money for food and be able to shut my door

  • Engwan Nicole Burrell Brooks

    Good health pain-free peace family nd friends loving one another in Jesus’s directory nd financially stability and ability that is full of peace nd prosperity living a life according to God’s will in his peace joy grace mercy nd favor…. a healthy happy marriage

  • Having my house cleaned, hair, nails and makeup done by a professional. I do all of those so that i can do the following: Going out to eat 1x a week, vacationing with friends.

  • These days, luxury to me is going an hour without pain, my husband not getting any sicker, not having to choose between paying our utilities and paying for meds.

  • My cat is my luxury. Between his high quality food, vet and health costs , grooming and toys he runs me $1200 yr which makes him a luxury on my income. But WELL WORTH IT

  • Luxury is having enough to cover the bills and not be overwhelmingly stressed with worry that there will be enough the next week.

  • I feel like a queen with the luxury of having my sons, daughter and three granddaughters living with me plus my two Boston terriers. My house is never quiet and I thrive on the chaos. I get lots of hugs and snuggle time with my puppies. That is pure luxury!

  • I definitely think that it depends on what you think are luxuries. Some luxuries that I consider luxuries some other people might not think they are luxuries. A couple of things I think are luxuries is getting to go out and have a fun day and being able to spend a bit of money with the family. Another thing would be getting to actually do something for a holiday or special occasion. Getting an item that is something I wanted to get for a very long time. Also being able to earn money on surveys and sort of making a living out of it.

  • Luxury now is having enough to eat, to pay utilities and housing expenses, and a car for transportation even if it’s an old one. And to know that my children and grandchildren are taken care of! We’re all suffering in our beloved United States of America!

  • Money doesn’t make you happy but it sure does make you comfortable in your misery. Let’s be realistic God, good food,love, family, health, friends, animals the beautiful world we live in are all the most important things to your happiness BUT a roof over your head, Food, Medical, health and money, freedom Surely make you comfortable we don’t need to be over the top with money, but we need just a little bit more than our necessities to enjoy life. Enjoy your wife your kids, your family, and your friends. It is better to have them be a have not. It is better to be successful than not, it is better to be healthy then not everyone needs to be respected and treated well
    It is impossible for me to be happy when I look around and see people without in misery, being abused so until this all comes around with God in our lives as number one there is no way for us to feel completely happy

  • Security my life is full of insecurity from housing to food the basic necessities to substance life that would be great to not worry about housing food and medication etc

  • Harmony M Roberts

    Waking up to no smoke in the air from wildfires. Clean running water. Food to cook and someone to enjoy it with. Above all a house to live in would be a luxury. Not complaining lucky to have 5th wheel camper we reside in but would love a place to call home again.

  • Luxury is being able to hear God’s words and enjoy the company of four generations of family members.

  • My luxuries would be getting my hair done, getting my nails done, going out to a fancy dinner, going to the casino, or just going out and doing anything. With my disability I have limited income and can no longer afford any of these.

  • Luxury to me is hanging out with friends and family
    Going for a bite to eat
    ND evenings with my partner

  • Luxury to me would be a tiny house right now I have too much even though it’s a mobile home it’s way too big and I can’t keep it clean like I like it I can’t keep it organized since I had covid shots. So to me luxury would be a tiny house that I can keep clean and keep taking care of. Maybe even have a little garden

  • This is rich ! Luxurious is just having abundance knowing that you have more than enough to help someone else . Having a village& community to always thrive being blessed to be a blessing mentally emotionally physically financially spiritually. Being able to Drink from these wells daily.

  • Luxury is having family and friends. Is also having extra cash to help with daily life. Luxury is also healthy happy life.

  • Food on the table with enough to feed another hungry person. My rent paid along with my car lease and car insurance. Placing a check in the plate on Sunday. Simplicity is my game. My Savior has been good to me. Able to help others that are less fortunate.

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