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Galvanize Together is a digital space for women to come together and talk honestly about the stuff that matters to us. We keep it real–no question or topic is off the table. 

Whether through your questions to Dear Grace or real-time during In Focus conversations, you know that we love hearing from YOU. Help us keep growing and improving by sharing your two cents with us.

Young woman sitting indoors looking at her laptop and smiling.

GT UX Survey

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Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Dear Grace gives helpful advice I can trust.
Dear Grace tackles topics that are relevant to my life.
Reading advice from Dear Grace has made me think differently about my own experiences and choices.
In Focus highlights the voices of women like me.
Hearing real women share in videos from In Focus has made me reflect on my own experiences and ideas.
I understand topics better after watching the video clips from In Focus.
Dear Grace
In Focus
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Grace Notes
Where do you wish you could follow Galvanize Together's content? (select all that apply)
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