Hot Topic #80 Is your budget tighter this year? Categories: Hot Topic Share: Related Posts Dear Grace BONUS! How do I balance my business, my family, and my home? I’m working from home, and never off the clock. How can I get my family to step up? In Focus Episode 1: Our Journey YouTube Video UExxM1dtLUNtM3laaGhyY1NzTi04TU5JQnFkNXM2OWI1Uy41NkI0NEY2RDEwNTU3Q0M2 Episode 2: Equity In Our Communities YouTube Video UExxM1dtLUNtM3laaGhyY1NzTi04TU5JQnFkNXM2OWI1Uy4yODlGNEE0NkRGMEEzMEQy Episode 3: What's Going Right? YouTube Video UExxM1dtLUNtM3laaGhyY1NzTi04TU5JQnFkNXM2OWI1Uy4wMTcyMDhGQUE4NTIzM0Y5 Episode 4: Change For The Better YouTube Video UExxM1dtLUNtM3laaGhyY1NzTi04TU5JQnFkNXM2OWI1Uy4wOTA3OTZBNzVEMTUzOTMy Episode 5: Learning From Each Other YouTube Video UExxM1dtLUNtM3laaGhyY1NzTi04TU5JQnFkNXM2OWI1Uy41MzJCQjBCNDIyRkJDN0VD