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Dear Graduates…

Reading Time: 3 minutes


It’s commencement season and graduates everywhere are celebrating their years of hard work—as well they should! No matter what you’re graduating from, completing a course of study is a huge achievement and a chance to reflect on what you’ve learned. 

I recently asked you and your fellow readers what you would say to this year’s graduates as they get ready to start a new chapter in their lives. 

Listen up grads, here are our words of advice and encouragement:

“Focus on developing a balance in your lives. Spend time reflecting on your goals avoiding the pitfalls that social media may drive you toward. We are all individuals on this beautiful planet and all have amazing gifts to share with the world. Remember you are enough as you are.”

“Don’t waste time on what others say or think about you. Just focus on being the better person and keeping your side of the street clean. Oh yeah one last thing, always remember to love yourself. You’re worth it.

“Keep voting and live up to your full potential. Do not take this time for granted. Time is the most valuable thing we have and make sure you use this time to become the best you. Reach the goals you set for yourself and never listen to outside noise. Keep pushing and I will see you on the flip side.”

“To the graduates of 2024, my advice to you would be to follow your heart and mind. Learn to love and trust yourself, it will never steer you wrong. You will explore what you like and don’t like, make mistakes, but make sure you remember to never dim your light for anyone. As long as you focus on yourself, you will learn what you want and don’t want, and then you’ll be able to stand 10 toes down on those decisions and create healthy boundaries with anything that disrupts your plan for yourself, anything that hinders you from growing. Congratulations and GO BE GREAT!!!”

“Use your head. Vote for those who can deliver their promises. Live within your means. Do not forget today while concentrating about your past or worrying about tomorrow. Be kind to everyone.

“Congratulations! Go out into the world and be the best version of yourself you can create. The world needs your authentic self, that is the reason the Universe created only one of you; to be anything less would be a disservice to yourself and to all of humanity.” 

“Don’t limit yourselves to your parents’ thinking. Approach all things in life with an open mind. I would say that we have enough division in the world, but especially in this country and that your generation can show the world what unity can do. Being kind and respectful no matter our differences can go a long way with getting problems resolved.” 

“Life is short, so make sure you work in your passion. Save as much you can so you may purchase a home one day. Make sure you save in your 401k, especially if the company matches it! Be kind to everyone, because one day you may need someone.” 

“Today is a new beginning. Stand up and be proud that you made it through. Join the world in working to make the world a more beautiful and inclusive place. We survived a pandemic, now let’s help each other live. Be unique. Be bold. We only have one world. Treat her with care. <3” 

Thanks to everyone who shared advice for the Class of 2024!

Share in the comments: What was the best advice you received as a graduate or young person starting a new chapter?

Dear Grace


In Focus


  • Your hard work and dedication have given you the ability to achieve anything in life if you put your mind to it. Your education can never be taken away from you. Don’t be afraid to take chances. If plan “A” does not work out, there’s always plan “B”. And as far as choosing a husband or boyfriend, never settle for someone who cannot provide you with more than you can provide for yourself.

  • Graduates do NOT take a “gap year.”
    Ever!! Your best days towards learning and earning power are NOW while you are young and healthy!! Rely on adults older and wiser than you!
    Also don’t be afraid of being yourself and stand for YOUR values and life principles!!

  • Ammanda's Mom💜

    Graduating from any type of educational program deserves acknowledgement. Earning a degree is YOUR accomplishment.
    Be proud of that & yourself.
    Don’t let the folly of youth take away from planning for your future life.
    Be brave! Set goals, break those goals down into smaller steps to show progress. Makes it easier to revise those steps to make achieving the GOAL attainable.
    Don’t give up on yourself.
    Don’t keep people in your life that drag you down.
    If something doesn’t feel right about another person, CUT THEM LOOSE!
    NEVER make hasty decisions!
    THINK things through before you act unless you’re in a life & death crisis!
    This big world is scary!
    Learn to laugh. Enjoy the laughter.
    Love YOURSELF first.
    Listen to your inner voice.
    NEVER let ANYONE destroy your peace of mind.
    Develop GRACE!
    Find a GOOD MENTOR!
    Believe in yourself, look for wisdom from your elders & let God handle the rest.

  • Make time for YOU! It’s important that you make sure to put yourself first when it comes to LIFE. It’s entirely too easy for us to get caught up in what we have to get done, what we got going on, where we need to go, how we need to do this or that, and we often times get SO caught up in the “everything else” that we forget about ourself, our own peace of mind and happiness and our well-being (not just our physical well being, but mental and emotional too.) The next few years are going to be some of the most amazing, fun, chaotic and often times stressful times of your lives- just always remember to make time for yourself, even if it’s a 5 minute meditation session in ur bathroom, lol Make sure you’re practicing SELF-CARE, because if you don’t, you will quickly realize how much stress and negative energy will start to take over. And if it goes on and is just pushed o the side and ignored, you will have a lot more unnecessary stress and it’s just not fun when that happen!
    So take a breather, shut everything around you down, focus on YOU, and ENJOY YOURSELF.

  • Keep trying don’t ever let a disappointment stop you. Graduation is a beginning – don’t stop learning and say Yes to opportunities as they present because you are worthy. Failure is the best teacher and that requires TRYING. Better to think you can and fail than never try. There is always something gained from experience.
    Half the most successful people have wiped out and come back. Reinvent yourself stay fresh don’t get in a trapped mindset.
    It’s a BIG world and you have a gift to give remember to give back . It’s all a big balance sheet . Work hard reap big do good things ! Go get ‘em!

  • Dear Graduate,
    All graduates need to learn life skills.
    If graduating from high school n not sure if college is for you then going into military is a great way to learn a skill get discipline, courage , meet life long friends.
    Also you can see the world .
    There are many jobs in the military.
    Life is very short .

  • Congratulations to all graduates. I wish you all the best in your future. Be all you can be ,Do the best that you can & it will all pay off. 💯🎯🎊🎉🥳🙏

  • My advice to the graduate is take a moment and celebrate your success. After celebrating, realize that this is only the beginning of a new chapter in your life. Continue to study and grow in your field. Take changes, remember how great you feel when you complete a task, set goals, and keep reach striving to be the best that you can be.

  • I was once told you are young for a short time and old for a long time, so you should enjoy your journey from the beginning to the end

  • First and foremost congratulations you made it till the end of high school All I have to tell you is to do what you love to do dont not do it do what makes you happy inside and out and enjoy life don’t let anyone ever take your shine just live life to the fullest and enjoy it while you can because we are not promised tomorrow

  • Live a life everyday that you can be proud of.
    Create to create. Continue to find ways to express yourself and on return you will find happiness.
    Love your family and friends but stay true to who you are. Don’t worry if you’re not sure of who that is, discovering that is part of the journey. Never stop learning, stay curious.

  • Pray. Love others. Pay attention to the people who are always there for you. Pay attention to the things that make you happy. The things you keep being drawn to. Those are the important things in life. The rest doesn’t really matter.

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