Our Secrets to Holiday Shopping

Reading Time: 2 minutes


This time of year is expensive! Days are darker and colder, so heating and electricity bills go up. Kids need winter coats and boots and holiday gatherings make grocery lists longer and more pricey. Every year, many families look at their budgets and say “How the heck are we going to swing holiday gifts this year?”

This year is no exception—budgets are tight and 28% of holiday shoppers with credit cards are still paying off their holiday gift credit card bill from last year. When I asked our community how you were feeling about budgeting for the holidays this year, the vast majority (over 70%!) said you were somewhere between “nervous” and “totally panicking.” 

So if looking at your bank account balance and your kids’ Christmas list is giving you heart palpitations, know that you are not alone. There are plenty of ways to make this holiday memorable without going into debt! Let’s talk about a few strategies from our readers:

  • Buy early, on sale, or used: Nearly half of the folks who responded shared that they do all of their shopping early and on sale. Readers suggested using coupons or shopping at thrift stores and yard sales.
  • Handmake your gifts: It’s often cheaper to buy the materials to make a gift than it is to buy the gift itself. Channel your craftiness by making homemade beauty products like facemasks or body scrubs with ingredients from the grocery store. Or follow this reader’s advice: “I cut clippings from my plants, then go buy little pots at the dollar tree and decorate them.”
  • Rethink your traditions: 15% of respondents said they won’t be exchanging gifts this year, instead focusing on quality time with family and making new memories. Another reader shared “I just do stockings for my kids. Stocking stuffers are cheap and it’s a sweet tradition.” Some readers prefer to center their holiday on volunteer work, traditional foods, or their faith (instead of gifts).
  • Revise your budget: Some readers shared that this time of year they take on extra part-time work as seasonal hires to help pay for the holidays. Other readers shared that they cut back on other expenses to pay for the holidays. Check out Work Money to learn more about where in your budget you could be saving money.
  • Ask for help: Whether the whole family pitches in for a holiday gift for the grandkids, or you reach out to a local organization that helps pay for holiday gifts, the season of giving is the perfect time to ask for extra support. Organizations like The Salvation Army, Toys for Tots, Angeltree and United Way are all great places to start. One reader said, “We get help from resources that provide holiday gifts for folks who can’t afford it. At first, I felt awkward about it…but it’s worth it.”

The holidays can be a tough time. In addition to the extra financial pressure, many people report feeling lonely or depressed this time of year. And even a joyful holiday season can come with a big heaping side of stress. So in the midst of your budgeting, crafting, and shopping, don’t forget to take time for self-care!

Comment below your secret to a stress-free holiday shopping experience!


  • I set a price limit for everyone. I buy on clearance throughout the year. If you have a Trader Joe’s near you, a gift bag with nuts, dried fruit, chocolate and other non perishables can be easily done for $25. I think that’s reasonable. Gas gift cards are always nice. We all need it and use it. Those are a few of my things I do. I keep it at $25. I spent more on my BF, however he’s if my list this year.

  • Thank 😊 so much for taking the time to share your thoughts and experiences, I have always been in a financial limited capacity and so particularly for that I look through out the year everywhere thrift stores, sales, clearance sales for not just supplies for my DIY gift list but for finding that once in a lifetime opportunity gift, so to speak. Our family and friends and their families practice celebrating Christmas 🎄 for Jesus Christ birthday 🎂, we bake cookies 🍪, stores, pies, special recipes, tamales, Margarita bread pudding; it comes with variety of fruit, nuts and cheese, and gather together and share in the abundance that wr are blessed by.

  • I get my kids what I can between bills and needing a new car u do one thing with one step at a time I make the best of it and we make homemade ornaments every year.

  • We made a deal with our 29/31 yo kids to only spend $100 pp. My hubs & I don’t exchange- we need nothing!
    I shop throughout the year- yard sales, store sales, Goodwill- many new items with tags on. If purchasing online, use RAKUTEN, you get cash back for purchases. Also, shop at stores, with their chg cards & earn money back for next purchase. Above all, pay off your credit cards each month! My Mom always had Christmas saving account at the credit union. Have a small amount deducted weekly from your paycheck. This way you have cash to purchase gifts.
    Love all the ideas everyone shared. Merry Christmas to all!

  • Like Christmas it a special time with family and friends and boy friends too be around I love to be with family

  • We put the actual Christmas Day off for a week. That gives me time to get some things at after Christmas sales. Then I make a big dinner for all my friends and we play games and exchange just small gifts. I gather things all year and that takes the stress out of it quite a bit.

  • As a family we decided years ago to have a yankee swap and each person places 1-2 small items in each persons stocking I tend to place a gift certificate for an experience each year then we play a game they we have made up for prizes! After 36 years of buy christmas jammie’s for everyone this year I am asking everyone to take their fav jammie’s and mix them up and wear them xmas day!

  • I use apps on my phone to edit photos into artwork. Changing them into something new. Then I print and frame them. They make delightful and surprising gifts.

  • I just retired from my job, my income is limited this year for christmas. I would like to give my three sons and my grandson a nice gift for 🎄.

  • Last year the whole family did one of those Escape Rooms I found on Groupon. The cost without the promo codes would have been over $200 instead it was $62.99. It’s called the great escape room Nashville. We had a blast.

  • One year we played Christmas Bingo
    each person bought 5 small $5 gifts
    wrapped and each bingo grabs a gift
    when gifts were gone we stole them from each other. Before starting you
    set a time for the game say 30 min.
    45 whatever you wish or as many gifts as you want and prices you want:) was very fun and inexpensive…

  • I buy and pick up small things throughout the year for the kids(31,26,18 and 2yr old grand) make each one an ornament every yr, also my children as each one moved out..a leather bound cookbook of recipes or “how mom makes their fav recipe” I add to it each year. This year the 18yrolds girlfriend ask for a copy and my son said yes mom PLEASE! LOL! Friends get my “secret recipes” of their fav dishes or drinks that I make with a bottle of liquor or the dish they love IE fudge , cheesecake, hot fudge for sundaes etc. I also make numerous crafts throughout the yr if they especially like something I did, chances are they will get their own! It can be done( managing the cost) but it takes a little planning and forethought! Then black Friday is for finding special bargains to add in, but it’s usually not a lot, just gets me out and into the spirit of the season. When you wait til the last minute you spend more and chance not finding what you were looking for! Hate that! Adds tons of stress!

  • I’m not buying for anyone other than the little great grand kids, and nothing big for them. I may be old fashioned but apparently it has gone out of fashion to thank people for gifts. I’m not looking for a hand written note like my mother made me do.But a simple call, text, or message on FB would be nice, at least let me know you received it. Homemade treats for neighbors and friends.

  • I think mutual agreement not to exchange gifts is the easiest arrangement. If there are small children maybe family could pool resources & gift a few nice things instead of so many junky things. We want to honor gift giving without encouraging greed or competitiveness, especially among the children

  • If you enjoy baking you can make dessert trays with several different cheaper to make Christmas desserts like fudge or cookies & you can find recipes online that make quite a bit so you only have to make each recipe once depending on how many plates you wanna make. But just divide the desserts among each plate & wrap it in some cling wrap that’s colored or I’ve even used the lil treat bags that are season themed. People usually love food of any kind. So even breads, pies, cakes anything can be made to replace gifts. Not to mention that it will also serve to help the ones that may need food but don’t want to say they need help this time of year. Everybody has to eat so I’ve found it’s a great way to still give something without having to buy gifts that people can’t afford & prolly really don’t need. Food is always a good choice & with the Internet you can find recipes that are even free of allergens if you have anyone in your family that has certain food allergies. I’ve made peanut butter no-bakes & never had any complaints. Think of what you enjoy or are good at & use that to your advantage. It’s the thought that counts is what I’ve always been told.

  • Definitely agree to buy early, looks for discounts and online shopping can be nice. You don’t have to deal with traffic or crowds 😊. Also take some time for yourself, go have a cup of coffee, dinner with friends or just relax at home.

  • Since most of my family haslve what they need their requests would be for just “stuff”, I am offering them a certain amount of money to put towards a credit card bills, utilities , or something important.

  • I think that could be good if the children in your family truly understands this and is not looking for presents, toys or electronics.

  • The holidays is special to me but I never have the money to do for my children and I feel bad this year looks like I will be going through the same thing no money, no help and I know they will be looking for momma to do something

  • People think gifts have to be extravagant. Just downsize that thought and get something they need. Food is something I give always In the form of a basket or just a grocery paper bag with a bow works great. I beat the stress of being in a busy store and just shop online and pick it up. Don’t worry about the little things. No one really cares or even think about what your worries are, so just don’t worry. God has your back. If someone is rude about anything, you don’t need those kind of people, so just move on. Real friends don’t expect anything from you.

  • I have been doing surveys and product tests. I was able to fund both my daughters birthdays, which was Nov 8 and Dec 2. My husband goes to menards alot for his business, We were able to get a bunch of nice toys for the kids for Christmas during black fri. We also use Damsey Ramsey baby steps for millionaires. We use every dollar app to track our budget. It’s a major help. You don’t realize where your money goes until you see it.

  • Buying for kids warm jammies that.match at thrift store..Just found 4 matching nighties and footies to match at Goodwill for my 4 young g children whome are cousins..probly will buy all cheap matching hats and leggings..Making fun cookies and fudge in tins, but lots of good bargain stuff at Goodwill

  • That’s absolutely awesome
    Materials make temporary memories.
    Adventures and experiences make memories last a lifetime.
    With both my parents passed and then the best husband anyone could ask for passing away,Memories and cherished moments mean the world to me because it’s the important gifts of such that the make the most filled heart and soul.

  • Stress Free Holiday shopping is easy for me. I enjoy crowds because it allows me to smile,wish everyone a beautiful day and inside what keeps me positive as I’m getting Tboned down the isle,or accidentally have my bootie bumped by a buggy,are all the great memories and the warmth I feel and I think about those with less .I realize how blessed I am.So I just go with the flow and make smile until I’m finally home sipping hot cocoa and whipped cream watching Hallmark Christmas Movies.

  • You have to be careful when you talk about crafting gifts. I have spent WAY more on items needed to make the blankets I love to make new little people. The blanket I made for my grandson cost me 4Xs as much than if I had bought him one. I do it anyway because I have NEVER seen one made with the yarn I chose to use. He has a one of a kind blanket.

  • Those are great ideas start shopping in January after holiday many sales.them do alittle bit each month. Then by December you have all you gift shopping done. Manage your money through the year..I was a horrible shopper I shopped at the last minute running around like a chicken with its head chopped off. The stress. Buy everything on sale if you can, coupons help.
    Merry Christmas

  • My number of people I wil be purchasing gifts for are small. We also have chosen to keep things simple when purchasing gifts, such as pj’s, favorite beverages and gift cards. I also try to add a little DYI to my gifts for a personal touch.

  • I have been buying early and if I can get it for free I do especially from TikTok for the people with high follower counts

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