How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution
Reading Time: 2 minutes
It’s the same thing every year. . .around December my social media feed starts showing me anti-aging creams, I see ads for weight loss programs on TV, and everyone around me starts talking about how they are going to be “better” in the New Year.
But starting a new habit or making a change in your life isn’t always easy, no matter what time of year it is. If you made a resolution that you’re struggling to keep (this year or any year), know that you are not alone. According to a study by Forbes, most folks on the New Year’s resolution train lose steam a few months in.
So if your New Year’s resolution needs a pick-me-up, or you would just like some advice on how to make changes in your life, check out these tips for making a resolution you can keep:
- Choose a resolution out of self-love, not self-hate. Get healthy because you want to live a long and happy life, not because you hate your body. In December, I asked this community, “What kind of products have been advertised to you?” ahead of the New Year. The majority of you said workout programs or weight loss drugs. Seeing that over and over can do a number on your body image. Be kind to yourself and make sure your “why” comes from a place of love.
- Focus on actions, not outcomes. So many readers wrote that they want to be healthier in the New Year. A resolution like that is much easier to keep if you focus on actions that will get you to your goal. You can do this by adding a “how” and “when” in your resolution. Instead of saying, “In the New Year I will be in better shape,” try, “In the New Year I will go for a big walk three times a week.” Goals that are specific and measurable are easier to turn into habits! Once you’ve gone on a walk three times a week for a few months, it won’t even feel like a goal anymore—just part of your routine.
- Do it with a buddy! It’s much easier to bail on yourself than with a friend and consistency is key to building a habit. Try making a resolution with a family member so you can encourage each other along the way and tackle the goal together. Try cooking healthy meals with a grandparent, going for a big walk with your child, or having an at-home spa day with a friend.
The new year is a wonderful time to reflect on what is important to us and a great excuse for a fresh start if that’s what you need. But for the millions of women who are busy just trying to get through the day—rushing to drop kids off at school, picking up extra shifts to pay off holiday gifts, or trying to get an education while balancing family and work – a New Year’s resolution can sometimes feel like just another task on the to-do list. If this sounds like you, focus on making small changes over time instead of trying to overhaul your whole life every January 1st.
There’s a lot of pressure this time of year to change, grow, and evolve. Share what small changes you’ll be making in the New Year below, and reply to other readers with a❤️to show your support!
Well this year my New Year’s resolution was to get sober and my boyfriend that I’m now engaged to he just got out of rehab so we’re both doing it together so I don’t feel like I’m doing it alone I always feel like I’m doing everything alone but instead we’re both trying to change our lifestyle to a healthier lifestyle and I believe that he’s doing a fantastic job he’s been sober 8 months now and I’ve been sober for six so we’re both doing very well and I believe I’m doing exactly what I need to be doing for this year also enjoying life more and trying to spend time with my family and I got a new job so I’ve been working now for 6 months straight so I’m really excited to see what the new year is going to bring out I hope this year will be different because we’re both sober and our families are going to be in our lives more and we’re going to be good for each other and not always get in a fight over something stupid like drugs so I believe I’m doing exactly what my New Year’s resolution was.
Love and light
This year has been a hard one to start with. My mother just passed away on the 3rd of January. And my mother and I didn’t have the best relationship. We fought a lot thru out the years. And even tho my mother and I never seen eye to eye I miss her so much and still wait and look for her. And so now my resolution for this year is about Forgiveness. In life we make mistakes that usually began with good intentions. And in order to heal and move forward in life you have to learn to forgive. My mother did something to me out of good intentions and it backfired, and many years I held that hatred in my heart. And now that my mother passed I wish I would’ve told her I loved her and that I forgave her so she would have heard it straight out of my mouth and she would’ve known I meant it. We are not promised tomorrow, and when you lose a loved one your left in the woulda, coulda, shoulda. Forgive and move forward, before it’s taken from you, before it’s too late and you never get another chance.
No New Years Resolution because change is constant and I feel like I do enough changing and dealing g with thi gs and worrying g about things . I don’t want o w more thing to have to stress about. Its not worth it but I do try to be a better version of me every year.
I don’t wait until New Year to facilitate change. Changes the only constant, and we are constantly changing.
Just love yourself and everything will coming together for you not for some one eles
i am truly honored to be able to have an opportunity to speak on wellness.. Getting connected with yourself and taking small steps is better than no steps at all. Faith without work is dead.. be blessed
Why would we start a new years resolution in the middle of winter?I our ancestors understood this. As so the weather, the animals, and plants.
This is a time for reflection, rest and restore. Everyday yes is a blessing and new beginning however the science behind making resolutions for one’s life in this time of year is setting oneself up for failure. They have done this to us purpose to throw us off of our arcadian rhythm that flows naturally with the seasons and nature. Everyday is a good day to do better but putting this much pressure on one’s self seems odd to me when energy is at its lowest. And let’s not forget how they just Doped us up on dopamine and serotonin and dropped us off in the death stage of our collective. Do not fall for the lies of the suppressors. One love, one light, and just my thoughts and opinions on this topic.
I am working on me. Being better to myself.
Try to rearrange your schedule spend more time at home than work family is the most important thing to you kids grow up so fast before you know it or adults and you must the most precious times wish you could take back
I never established any type of New Year’s resolution in all the years I’ve been on this earth.
I believe we set ourselves up for failure when we try to agree to resolutions; therefore, I pray that Jesus lays it on my heart to do what needs to be done moving forward.
I try to make the next year a better year by following through with what needs to be done. I walk into 2023, 2024, 2025, etc. with an open mind that I will make things happen (for myself and my children). And of course there will be lazy days, or not so good days, but then I have absolutely amazing days and I try my best to enjoy them! Every year, I claim “this is going to be ‘Making things happen 2025!'” Some days I fall off my tasks and that’s okay as long as I get back up and move forward!
I want to grow & I want my own in person. Show me when you really have time not on social media
Change your routine. That’s with anything. Start a class ,exercise at a gym or meditate every morning to strat
Add things in slowly but don’t stop stay consistent no matter who or what gets in your way. Takes those speed bumps and curves as a challenge and accomplish those new mishaps and tasks that interrupt your goals as a new fix it lesson.. you just learned something new to help others in the future and yourself. Don’t let jealousy or depression postpone you because there at deadlines. Try to move in silence for confuscious says: people will use it against you. Asobs fables: those don’t want you to have something that they themselves cannot enjoy. Keep going and don’t stop even after you achieved that one thing. There’s so much in this world to do and learn. Start a business take advantage of grants and stimulus to achieve financially. Think of debt solutions and crush that debt with consolidating it using a lawyer. It’s smarter not struggle harder!
I just wanted to thank God for this year and been to achieve my goal’s
What i do every new year is try to do something different than what I’ve always done. I don’t really make resolutions but I try to make like adventurous.
This year I’m putting everything negative behind me and moving forward. Someone had said to me that the things that happened to me are meant to happen and it is just a learning curve. But don’t take it negative but use it to learn from it and use it to better my future so there wont be a repeat. So I’m gonna learn to love my pass and look forward to the future. All that matters is that my kids are well care for and my partner is still by my side after the years we had. Nobody can foresee the future but can only hope to make tomorrow a better day. So this time I’m taking the time to focus on myself and yes, getting back in shape but also love my body the way it is. Learn to to say what I do is enough for my family and I’m good at it no matter what others think this is right for me and my family. Be more productive and trying my best to set a good example for my kids and hopefully soon reach my goals not next year but in a few years. Just keep striving is the main goal here.
I plan to try to be the best me! I deal with alot of people daily. Ive decided to choose how and if I will deal with them or not. Some don’t want change. They want to remain the same. I don’t have to be apart it.
I will hear them once, give my advice, and walk away. You got to let people go. They not going where you’re headed.
This year it’s me & God balancing my life to the fullest 🙏
When it comes to New Year’s resolution. I make a plan to do something new every year but I never follow thru with it. I don’t beat myself up over it because I know that I do my best with everything else I got going own in my life.
For many the “New Year” begins with the Spring Equinox, which is a rebirth of new. Winter (which we are still in) requires rest, hibernation, which will ultimately lead to our rejuvenation. If you do not feel like taking action and keeping “New Year’s Resolutions”, the season is not requiring you to do so so why are you submitting to society’s status quo? Spring is more supportive for action and going. Right now, being, is enough.
Also, know that your personal “New Year” begins with every birthday. The return of the SUN being where it was when you were born allows you to have your own personal transformation and rebirth.
I wish you infinite wellness and support for where you are and where you are going.
I manage my stress by massage therapy and cleaning. Now that the movies are open, Ill go.
Becoming the healthiest and best version of myself
New Year’s resolutions are usually a summary of the past year, find out what steps you need to take to help you reach your short or long term goals.
Love it
I am not the new year resolution type. My birthday, however, falls in the beginning of January and, well, I’m getting older and I had picked up the bad habit of vaping after picking up smoking when Covid happened. I’ve also not been able to get back to that energetic self I was before Covid happened either. I used to talk myself out of going to the gym and now I struggle making it three times a week. I made the decision to quit vaping, and I guess turning 35 was what I needed to really commit to it. I’m excited for more energy and to get myself back in shape and feel more like I did before Covid happened.
Keep going stay Motivated! To achieve your goal
Dear grace,
Thank you so much for that message you sent me. I guess God thought I needed to hear that it just made my day go a whole lot easier. Thank you again.
Every year we make resolutions or goals and we most of the time don’t accomplish them. But this time around is different my focus is stronger my goals are clearer nothing will stop me. What changed my mindset I stepped away from foolishness, things that are not building me up.
Thank you for the encouraging words I needed that to get in this year it’s a blessing and blessings to hear other readers New Year’s revolution as well as mine by New Year’s revolution was faith health and strength with God that’s my New Year’s revolution and walk by faith and not by sight guys working so good so far to get in this year and God doing that with everybody else as well we can do it together so y’all have a wonderful blessed day and bless the journeys to you beautiful women’s and be blessed ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I am a 42 year old woman who is struggling with severe depression, ptsd, and a.d.d. So I overthink my new years resolutions. I chose me, self care and educating myself while aldo getting out and volunteering and helping others well listening. Helping others helps me. Do more of what you love you are beautifully created. Self-care is extremely important . Whether time alone or going to a spa and eating healthier. I guess I’m looking at it from a different place. Goodluck
This was exactly what I needed to read.
Stay focused and help others