How to Manage Stress this Holiday Season

Reading Time: 3 minutes


With the days getting colder and darker, it’s normal to feel like you need to slow down a bit this time of year. But for many of us, the holiday season has a whole lot of speeding up: budgeting for holiday gifts, balancing challenging family gatherings, and figuring out how traditions evolve every year can be stressful. For others, the holidays can bring the blues. If you’re experiencing grief, anxiety, or loneliness this time of year, you’re not alone.

No matter what your challenges this time of year, remember that the season of giving also includes giving yourself what you need to be healthy. Stress and depression can seriously impact your health, so make sure you are taking care of yourself this holiday season.

Not sure where to start? I asked our readers how they manage their stress, and here are some of my favorite responses:

Set boundaries! When “self-care” is at the very bottom of a long to-do list, it keeps getting put off. Be sure to set boundaries this time of year to make sure you get some quality ME time. Here are some suggestions from readers:

  • “I told my family that I want to keep things simple this time of year. No extravagance. No rushing. Just spend quality time with family.”
  • “I turn off my phone in the evening and I don’t go on Facebook as much.”
  • “I set boundaries with my family so I can take time to myself. Some stuff they need to do themselves.”

Get active! Exercise is proven to reduce stress levels and help you sleep better. When it’s cold this time of year in many parts of the country, it’s harder to get outside or to the gym. But even a walk around the block or dancing to music in the kitchen can help boost your mood. Here are some suggestions from readers on what helps them with stress:

  • “Yard work and gardening is great. It’s a good workout, a way to get outside, and it feels so satisfying.”
  • “Take walks in the woods. There’s no such thing as too cold outside if you have the right clothing!”
  • “I like to play with my grandkids. We jump around a lot. It keeps me in shape and brings me joy.”

Make something! Re-discover your hobbies–especially the ones that have you making something with your hands. These are a few of the hobbies that readers say have helped with their stress:

  • “Crocheting, sewing, quilting, baking, any arts and crafts really. Just things I enjoy doing. That’s my best self-care to manage my stress.”
  • “Getting involved in issues I support. I’m making baby blankets for children in need.” 
  • “My hobbies help me. I like reading a lot, working crossword puzzles or other puzzles, cooking or baking, and giving a good bit away to neighbors.”

Get support! Talk to others about how you are feeling—whether that is your friends and family, your therapist, or your doctor.

  • “My therapist really helps me.”
  • “A combination of exercise, journaling, talking with friends, and taking my antidepressant meds from my psych help me stay calm, balanced, and at peace.”
  • “It’s so important to make time to vent to your friends. Get it all off your chest!”
  • “Spending time with like-minded friends and laughing just melts my stress away.”

If you’re struggling this time of year, know that you’re not alone. Check out these stress management tips for more tools. Even though all of us experience stress from time to time, keep an eye out for when it’s becoming overwhelming. If you feel like you can’t go about your daily life without anxiety getting in the way, that’s a good sign it’s time to check in with a doctor or mental health professional. Give yourself the support you need!  

Drop a <3 in the comments below if you feel like we could all use a little extra love this time of year!


  • My Dad passed away 30 yrs ago Dec 1 it’s always sad for me, and I deal with Bipolar disorder, so I have to keep life in check. Take breaks breathe. Take care of me, or I can’t take care of my family. Don’t overdo. It’s all about Balance in your life.

  • I just tell everyone to keep it simple. No gifts for me. I just need quiet and family time.
    No big dinners. Simple buffet style dinners.
    Everyone helps pick up after themselves.
    Call family. Try to do video chats.
    Family movie also.
    I miss my family very much. But we are all so far apart.

  • Family can be stressful and therapeutic. But I have projects that help detract and prepare for fun to come. Our family members say it is peaceful in our home and they visit to chillax.

  • No it is not wrong to want to be alone
    One can be quite content by themselves as long as you are comfortable and quiet content

  • I don’t suffer from holiday stress
    I start slowly around September I figure out who or how many people (adults and grandchildren) I will buy gifts for. By December I am completely finished all buying everything I needed. All I have to do is wrap my gifts and finish decorating my place and then as I relax I listen to and enjoy Christmas music

  • Coming from someone who does not celebrate holidays, and someone who is highly sensitive to others emotional state, this time of year sets me on edge for no other reason that society is on edge. It’s not just winter time the we need more love. So, with maximum effort I say <3 <3 <3 <3

  • Agree with most of these
    Yes exercising and hobbies help a lot..
    Personally it’s a hard time with me because it’s the anniversary of when my dear Mom passed away and it seems things like that happen around the holidays….but trying not to think of that..
    Plus I do like to spend time by myself
    …. which I’m doing right now
    It’s awesome!!!! But freezing weather!!!

  • I’ve learned the hard way to slow down after getting pneumonia and spending the holidays in the hospital a few years ago. My family helps more by sharing the cooking. I take time to use meditation to stay calm.

  • I am trying to limit myself with Facebook time. It’s hard to see everyone’s Christmas trees and decorations. I used to be able to do all of that even with 3 small children. Now I live with a sick body and depression and grief. <3<3<3

  • To manage stress.,, #1i purge my mind from the world.#2 I gather things I’m not using and donate to the less fortunate #3 keep busy with my part time job #4Put my phone in silent mode #5 I do yard and house cleaning.etc…

  • I do hope that individuals find a way to manage stress. I think that if one decides to not care or be concerned what others think about them, especially during this time of year, goes a long way in helping one deal with stress.

    I decided years ago that I was going to stop feeling that I needed to gift people with presents for Christmas. For me, it is the true meaning of the “reason for the season.” I will participate in my job’s gift exchange that’s fun but other than that I am the “present” for Christmas😜

  • (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡(⁠✿⁠ ⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡(⁠✿⁠ ⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠)
    Couldn’t find the heart thingy lol but I pray a lot and I just don’t worry about things that’s out of control like I used to, I crochet, watch movies with my kids or grandkids, my therapist, and talking to someone I trust to just listen to me vent helps tremendously.

  • <3. This world is very cold but life is a one time thing and I will never give up because I love life and as long as we are alive, we can Achieve anything

  • To relieve stress…find a healthy recipe and cook it …. eating well is a game changer…. going to the store and getting all the food for the recipe will motivate you. Healthy recipes are on You tube with nutrients giving them for Free…find one or two recipes that appeal to you…. eating what is desirable to you will help….also taking a hot bath or shower… naturally relaxing you….the feeling with doing this will make anyone feel as though they are back in control overall… before going to bed reflect on the day… write down how you are feeling .. that’s the way you will see progress ❤️‍🩹 these three things work for me now…I’ve been doing them for years 🙏❤️‍🩹🙏

  • It helps to help others. They’re happier, and you feel better because you helped someone. You also temporarily forget your own issues. It’s win-win all around. I’m retired and sing in two groups—- one that sings at nursing homes, hospitals, and senior living centers; and choir at church. Often our audiences sing with us. Singing makes my soul sing, and I love seeing the looks on the faces of shut in seniors and dementia patients (familiar tunes help with memory according to studies with the NIH). Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanza are meant to bring joy. We give and get joy by loving and helping others.

  • Realize that things don’t have to be perfect. Even if you’re hosting a huge holiday gathering, you don’t have to have the exact perfect napkins and guest chairs and whatever. Just realize these are people that you love and care about that are coming over and that they love you no matter what your house looks like or whether you’ve decorated the tree.

  • Spend time together. Give gifts that you make…even if you are an adult. Play board games again put the phones down!

  • It’s hard for me cause my kids are not here at home with me, but it’s ok I just enjoyed time with my boyfriend and his family and I do hear from my kids at this time,I get sad a little but as long as their ok and happy that’s all that matters to me..

  • As to helping with stressful things, I would like to add that understanding that we are just as important as the people we love the most! They need for us to be all we can be, and we can’t do that unless you learn to love yourself.
    There’s nothing selfish about putting your health, happiness and stress at a tolerable level.

  • 💯 ~ I need me time and I just hung up with my boss telling him I needed to take today for me time cuz if I’m not well, nothing I do will be right.
    I’m making up most of the time on Saturday cuz I chose to. Happy Holidays everyone. ✌️♥️🙏

  • Our church has “Silent Nights ” the week before the holidays. It’s quiet reflection time to just take a breath and remember the reason for the season. 💖

  • I take me time by curling up with a a book or by grabbing my crochet set with a good movie or video on and spending time doing that with my dog.

  • I pick up gifts and make things throughout the year so it is not such a financial burden. I also called for less gifts and more traditions…paint homemade ornaments, make candy, play board games, go for sled rides, watch movies, etc. Things the kids actually remember.
    Lowering expectations is key…it’s not about the stuff, but rather the time spent together.
    Happy Solstice Everyone!
    Sending extra “sugar” to you all!

  • I would say the most important thing around the holidays are family and friends. There’s nothing to stress about spend time with the people you love and care about cause that’s all that matters gift and headaches of trying to find something doesn’t matter you yourself matter and the people around you.

  • I try to stay busy doing the holidays to keep my mind off the anniversary of the death of my mother ( December 25, 1987)! I do a lot of craft projects. When I can, instead of buying some gifts, I make them! Crochet or knit a throw blanket and pillow set! Or make a hat and scarf set!

  • I take time outs and unplug. And think about simple things like how much I’m enjoying my time out. Happy Holidays

  • Reduce stress by not overspending, exercising daily and avoid being around negative people. Spend time doing what brings you joy even if you have to be alone.

  • My stress level is always high especially during the holidays I have 4 kids & I always have like a billion things to do!

    But I try not to stress myself out over the holidays or just in general. If I start having anxiety, I’ll turn some music on. Sometimes I will “dance it out” lol or something. I also find it amusing to chase the chickens around the yard lol

  • Remember the real reason for the season it’s not your birthday being represented calm down take a deep breath also the bills still have to be paid don’t spend money you don’t have

  • Power of meditation is a great way to gain clarity for your day but also for your evening before bed. Creating space for privacy to speak to god and truly be in tune with yourself helps a lot with processing your trials throughout the everyday duties of adulthood.

  • Take a deep breath pull it together take your time do what you got to do have a glass of water wine soda anything to relax you and your stress will go away trust me I know

  • Just learned a new strategy from Oprah podcast: “Let Them.” I repeat it to keep practicing. Instead of trying to control everything and everybody in guise of “helping,” I say “Let them.” It takes pressure off you…and keeps things calmer.

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