Let’s talk about…Menopause

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Last month I asked women in our community who haven’t gone through menopause, who are going through it now, or who are on the other side of it: Do you have all of the information you need about menopause? And the VAST majority of all three groups said “Heck No!” So it’s time to talk about it!

You deserve to understand what is going on with your body. It’s not fair that information on women’s health issues is so hard to find! Instead of turning to Dr. Google, talk to your (real) doctor, check out trusted sources (like womenshealth.gov/menopause), and talk to other women about what to expect. Every woman’s experience is a bit different, but it helps to know you aren’t the only one having night sweats (or any other kind of sweats!). Chat with older, wiser women to learn their tips and tricks for navigating the three stages:

  • Perimenopause: This is what most people are talking about when they say “menopause.” It’s the time leading up to your last period (meaning you can still get pregnant!) when your cycle becomes irregular. Perimenopause lasts, on average, about four years.
  • Menopause: When you have your final period. Time to breathe a sigh of relief!
  • Postmenopause: You’re officially on the other side of it once you’ve gone 12 months without a period. Congratulations!

You deserve to be comfortable. It’s totally normal for menopause symptoms to be a little uncomfortable at first, but fortunately, there are a lot of easy steps you can take to make your life more bearable. Here are some tips from readers:

  • Hot flashes bothering you? This is a super common one! Readers recommended buying an electric fan for your bedroom, using cotton sheets, wearing layers, and carrying around a folding fan to keep you cool. 
  • Struggling with your emotions? Know that this is completely normal. Mental health challenges are a very common part of menopause, talk to your doctor! 
  • Feeling sluggish? Readers recommend adjusting your diet or moving your body more (one reader loves group fitness classes!).
  • Feeling dryness down there? This one can be embarrassing to talk about, but is very common! Readers suggest using lubricant, trying out herbal remedies, or talking to your doctor.

You deserve support. Remember when you went through puberty and your body went through all kinds of mysterious and strange changes? Just like back then, you deserve answers to your questions and help if things get hairy (literally and figuratively). If any of your symptoms are getting in the way of your normal daily life, talk to your doctor! There are quick and easy medications and treatments to make sure that menopause doesn’t get in the way of being your best self.

In this community of women, I want us to support each other through every stage of life—drop a heart in the comments if you agree, or share your menopause tips!


  • I’m 66 years old and I’ve had menopause it’s not easy thing to go through but you do go through it. The hot flashes,you are moody. I’m such a mess. But it go fast. It’s the moods they are bad news. I would just sit back and let it happen. Aspirin helped for a while.

  • I have just began premenopausal symptoms. They suck to be honest. All of a sudden out of nowhere I will sweat like dripping sweat and I have never sweated much at all must less where it drips. A ice pack on the back of my neck and one on chest and one on head is about all that’s helped me so far. Is there any other tricks any of y’all that’s made it thru these have, if so plz share…..

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