What’s Your Glimmer?

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Between our busy routines, responsibilities at work and home, and the endless stream of news and information, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

Help us spread some positivity! Comment below to share your glimmer–something or someone that you can always count on to make your day.

Need a positivity boost? Reading the hundreds of glimmers from your fellow readers is sure to put a smile on your face!


  • Listening to my boyfriend while he’s working on something (he gets so aggravated). Listening to our German Shepherd puppy screaming because I had to crate him for a few minutes while boyfriend and I are doing something that he’d be interfering with – like taking another crate outside to get cleaned up. Watching our oldest boy (dog) play with the puppy, or any dog honestly.

  • My glimmer is my two granddaughters. When I’m in a sad place I can always turn to my two beautiful (Lanaya 22 ) Lyric 14 ) an all my worries disappeares.

  • My Glimmers is talking to my mom and my 6 grandkids whom 4 lives with me…these lil kiddies kp me on my toes, kp me young at heart and busy..but after dealing with them at the days end I sit on my couch get me a book and glass of wine and I’m in my zone…I LOVE IT!!

  • When I come home from a long day, I’ll see my dog looking out the window so excited that I’m back…. Always makes me smile

  • My time outdoors with my dog is what makes my days we go for 10 mile walk everyday going to stores seeing our friends we meant walking to park walking along the river into the woods seeing all the birds deer possums ground hogs up in trees just being out in the sun and nature animals are a lot kinder then some people I see on the street so I try to stay as far away as I can

  • I live for a new day I love the Curiosity of what’s going to happen throughout the day so what makes my day usually is not knowing I have a pretty damn good idea as to where the direction but my day is going to go it’s pretty much essentially all the same map different typography sometimes it’s nice to and that variety so that’s what I look forward to

  • My granddaughters (16, 13, &10) who live with me give me a purpose in life, especially after losing my husband to cancer 2 years ago. They are my glimmer, every day!

  • We are only human, being stressed and overwhelmed and overthinking really doesn’t help. Even though we can’t help but to have those feelings and thoughts of the worst. But if you really think about it. Everything eventually falls into place at its moment. We just have to be patient with the process.my glimmer is staying focused and positive no matter how hard the situation is.

  • Embrace your strength and resilience, for in the chaos lies your power to conquer. Take a moment to breathe, for within you lies the calm to navigate through the storm.

  • My kids are my glimmer! I can be having a bad day , and I can always count on them to lighten up that dark. They are the best!!

  • My glimmer is to go outside and watch nature and take the time to see it.
    Also the love of my cats, always close by.
    The other thing is turn off the negative news, write down things to get out of your head, journal.

  • I love doing my crafts and I love glitter lol now that I’m disabled and retired I can’t work so it keeps me busy and makes me happy

  • As I’ve aged I’ve realized just how fast time does go. So now I’m happy that I woke up to be able to see another day. But most of all I’ve learned to be more kind and to help others when I can.

  • I always used music! Would wake up to it every day. But for the padt year, it’s been my husband. He always makes me laugh even when i want to be mad just a little longer. 😉

  • I am in recovery & I am grateful everyday to wake up I make a gratitude list everyday cause when I get overwhelmed I just step back & find something positive out of the situation so instead of letting myself get down ithink of the positive in the situation

  • My blessings are my amazing little critters my 3 little dogs and a couple of cats that somehow found my house surprisely they get along with my dogs, 🙏

  • My glimmer I have given away.my 4 x 6 x1 inch mini art painted on reclaimed wood to promote kindness.
    I have given away about 900 pieces in over 2 1/2 years.
    It gives me pleasure to do that.

    Sal Greco
    Gibsonia Pa

  • My children & grandchildren, they are the reason for my happiness & getting me through the day. I was at my darkest when my husband & I divorced if it wasn’t for my grandkids I really don’t know where I would be at right now….

  • What brings me joy is hope!!! I get a chance to do better than I did the day before!!!! Hope is from within!!!

  • Sunny days here in the winter grey of Ohio, a good cup of coffee and when my pup eats all his food (he is diabetic is food is key to his health!) I swim three days a week at the Y so when all those combine, those are ‘best days ever’

  • My glimmers are my meditation time, cooking and baking for my family. I am retired so I have time to enjoy these times without rushing. My adult daughter is my fav glimmer.

  • What helps me is this: stop in my tracks. Break loose from the thing that has me snagged. Sit or lay down where you can feel relaxed and in a good space. Just enjoy the stress free moments. Think something pleasant like wish I could curl up with a good book, Let’s take a walk to the coffee shop. Think of new ways to live life. Or maybe Theresa friend who would be glad to see you.Stop and randomly hug someone or tell them what is good about the day. Even if it’s raining, you can say something pleasant like “The trees sure need this rain.” Imagine yourself dancing a joy dance in the rain. Now go get that cup of coffee or go home, forget what seemed so important, fix a cup of hot chocolate and watch a good movie. Let the day slip by and tell yourself “I will handle things tomorrow with a new plan, thought, feeling, or whatever is pleasant .

  • I have an autoimmune disease and diabetes. I made it a point to find something good about everyday. I “self” glimmer!

  • We play Uno almost every night with our son Luke. It’s a fun way to get together as a family, make memories and forget about life stuff for a while! Sometimes I’ll bake cookies or we’ll have candy. It’s always fun though!

  • My day starts with prayer if I don’t pray and read God’s word in the morning my whole day is off and I try to text my friends and give them a word of encouragement that encourages me

  • I can always count on my mother to say the right thing to make me feel better when i am overwhelmed . I feel like I’ve passed that on to my children my children.

  • My 8 year old ddaughter. She’s a lil jokster and I love it. I can be in the worst mood and she brightens me back up everytime. I love you ZjM ♥ mom

  • My glimmer is seeing all my 18 cats that were taken in, cared for and now all are a part of my morning routine that puts glimmer in the day!💖

  • My best friend is my glitter. She never judges me. We get together twice a week and always have fun.Also I have two cats that make me smile every day.

  • I look forward to my very warm

    Shower shower in the morning and feeling fresh from my night sweats due to menopause.

  • My glimmer is that I’ve surrendered everything to Jesus. I’m 76 hace sciatic pain but I’m grateful that I can get up every day, that I have a roof over my head, food in the frig for myself and Charlie (my dog) and go to work 3 days a week and pay my bills. I’m so thankful that Jesus loves me just as I am.

  • My glimmer to boost my spirits is playing games on my phone. Its relaxing and calms me down before I move on to the next project or deal with another stressful situation.

  • Heather Beltran Heather

    I can always count on the sun rising and the coffee being good. How does this helps me. Well no matter what the sun will always bring in the new day and coffee no matter what will still be good

  • My glimmers are my 3 fur babies and my best friend who is also my fiance and whom I think of as my husband, every morning I wake up I silently smile and wake up my partner to share the day no matter what time of day it is. I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy in a very long time. I don’t show or admit it to him cause everytime I have in the past things
    Change and relationship end. So, I keep my feelings parlicly hid but that is my happinesd

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