What’s Your Glimmer?

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Between our busy routines, responsibilities at work and home, and the endless stream of news and information, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

Help us spread some positivity! Comment below to share your glimmer–something or someone that you can always count on to make your day.

Need a positivity boost? Reading the hundreds of glimmers from your fellow readers is sure to put a smile on your face!


  • When I say Ive been through hell… Well that’s understatement I think he’ll went through me as if I was nothing. Learning that we can change our choices but not my always our situation. I decided , after seriously questions on what I did to be cursed and wondering when it would ever get better. I found that my greatest joy are ironically those bad times I learned to turn the table. Education isn’t as always found in a book but we write one everyday is a new page. So I look at the world and say that was me I needed this… I became the change I needed to see. I did quiet ironically unconventional. Like my own hell boot camp. So no matter what situation someone is or environment. Well I can walk in no judgement adapt to that environment like a camilone I guess. To buy them the time to walk out. If they don’t know how to walk out I tell walk towards me and we will walk together. Giving hope and help in the areas no one dares go. That’s my glitter it’s speckles of light from others eyes when they found the light out of the darkness. Grace Love ❤️

  • Shannon Showalter

    It’s meditating and exercising for me! I have to decompress so I meditate and exercise. I always never forget to be grateful on a daily basis. Every morning I say out loud one thing I’m truly grateful for and elaborate on it. Saying it out loud makes me stay humble. My cup is always full. Remember try to make a positive out of every negative situation that happens in your life. There’s someone out there who always has it way worse than you do. It’s rough all over! Everyday just waking up is a gift. Positive vibes breeds more positive vibes!

  • Hi Grace!
    For me it’s the little things that do it for me. Like when I come home from a long day and face plant on my bed after shedding my things from the front door to my room and suddenly get kisses and nosey’s from my bunny. I know he’s letting me know he’s hungry but it lifts my heart. Another thing that lifts my heart is seeing my son’s sweet face and being able to spend time with him or sitting in my spot on a nice day in the yard & painting; any beautiful day that I can enjoy nature or see lil ones interacting with their parents in a joyful silly way (any day) is a bonus. On the not so sunny days listening to music or vegging to youtube and lastly any time I get a call from a friend I haven’t seen in a while can always make a day seem brighter. Wishing everyone a beautiful day !

  • Susanne Marie Rivera

    I love going on early morning walks by myself. I really need those two hours of alone time to disconnect from all the daily stressors and to pray for a good day ahead.

  • My animals are a source of joy for me as I am an older person(73). I am in remission from cancer at this point and I take comfort in a belief in the higher power of God and his wonderful support system

  • Watching Ferris Butler with my kids (or any other slightly inappropriate but oh so funny movie) always warms my heart. My kids all have my warped sense of humor, especially my oldest. He literally rolls on the floor laughing at times. He got me in big trouble with my mom when my dad, my (now ex) husband and my son went to rent a movie and they picked Happy Gilmore. My dad had tears from laughing and my mom was throwing darts at me with her eyes. She was ready to give me a huge lecture till my dad intervened. Yes, I am that mom.

  • The UNCONDITIONAL ❤️ from my canine fur babies…. I am grateful for their individual ways to ALWAYS be there when I am hurt, NEED comfort & those times I do not even realize 🥰

  • I can always count on that my family is here and healthy. When things seem bad and think they can’t can’t any worse,family is there. I am privileged that I have that,sone do not and that znf my faith help me.

  • I can ALWAYS count on my pet raccoon, Kobe to brighten up a not-so-bright day!!!! He is thee absolute cutest & it’s IMPOSSIBLE for him to not make me laugh all day!

  • Just realizing the importance of being grateful to be alive and taking the good with the bad in life and knowing that you something negative can be turned into something positive

  • For me being a grandmother to the most creative wonderful children is my joy on any day that I’m able to be apart of their lives. They make me smile the love I receive from them helps me understand Our Heavenly Father.

  • Gratitude: I am in AWE 🫢 of U! The bEST is yet to come! You’re not yet in the place The Ccreator intended u to be! celebrate 🎉 peal 🧅 go Forward! I 🙏 4u. Blessings💧🌈🎶

  • Oh my favorite part of the day is in the morning bright and early I love to get my coffee brewing music going and dancing get my heart pumping and think only good positive thoughts in the morning the first 10 minutes I’m awake I’m thinking good thoughts and I’m always happy I don’t know why but I am and that always seems to do it period.

  • I have always found the Serenity Prayer very helpful . If I said it over and over it made so much since, that there is only so much control we have as well as time. Why waste it on things you have no control over.Fund your peace in what you enjoy, friends, making things, singing music, church. I found mine in this prayer and enjoying being outside with my animals. Hoping you find yours.

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