What does luxury look like to you?

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In today’s world and on social media, it seems like luxury always looks the same: fancy sports cars, designer purses and clothes, and stunning vacation homes. Depending on the corner of social media you live in, luxury could take the shape of pricey skin care, makeup, or even a “perfect” fitness routine. 

These examples of “luxury” really don’t do it for me. As far as I’m concerned, luxury is:

  • Getting my produce from the farmer’s market
  • Slow mornings with my dog 
  • Treating myself to a coffee with friends

Share in the comments: What are the luxuries you’ll never take for granted?


  • The roof over my head is a luxury for me . Having gone without a home for two years, Walking my dog and having her is a luxury . Waking up each day In a home is a luxury . Have my basic needs met is luxury. Each day met is a luxury we all try . We all hv the same luxuries but I am thankful I’m not in the street I am living with realivatives that took me in and for that IM forever greatful for my basic needs bring met. That is what I thing luxury is to me not all this high pricey stuff people buy luxury is totally basic for me bc I had it all and lost it all honest learned that then. Basically the things I Ned to get by and my needs being met are what I need. That is heaven to me compared to losing my parenets no place to go, to being homeless for two years, and then to realize having a heart to say she gonna stay with me till she can get it together. I am Greatful I been through alot In my life has been pure hell. My roof,my basic need being met and my dog are my luxury in life. Thank u grace for asking u made me a more grateful person today liking back I would change anything life is hard basics is what it boils down to for me.

  • I feel that most things people mentioned (food, a roof, healthcare, time enjoying life and family) should not be luxuries. These are necessities. It is terribly sad that so many of us consider these luxuries. Luxuries are things that are a bonus to a comfortable life where we don’t have to struggle and worry every single day. So yes, to me, luxuries are a fancy car or unlimited vacation, or a big house. I refuse to think of basic needs as a luxury though I know truly for myself and others, those are luxuries. Sigh.

  • Call me stupid, I really don’t care. This is my opinion on what I consider “luxury.”
    The reality of having luxury means having lots of money. Money is only good for “materialistic” luxury. Buying stuff is necessary to live comfortably, if you got the $$ fine, spend it on what you choose. But for me, luxury isn’t going to keep you company at your lowest times of your life. Companionship in the other hand, that to me is my kind of luxury. I’m happy with what I have. I make sure I’ve got what I need at a reasonable price. I consider luxury being what money itself cannot buy. It’s literally what had come to be hard to find in this world today. That’s where I am at with my perspective at far as luxury goes.

  • A life of luxury is home,children food on the table a life full joy happiness and never to want that luxury

  • To me it is a luxury to have a toothpaste that I am not allergic too.
    You see I have asthma and allergies and I am allergic to just about every toothpaste on the market. Also it is scary to not be able to breathe when I brush my teeth due to this allergy. In 2010 I had an asthma attack so bad that I passed away temporarily & they had to do CPR on me which I do not remember. But I do remember pleading for my life to God because I am a mom to 9 children & at that time my youngest was only 3 and 1/2 months old.

  • Fresh produce from the farmers’ market.
    “Good” food, for my pets; and them up-to-date with the vets.
    A full tank, fridge, AND freezer all at the same time!
    My bills paid – and not just the barest minimums.
    Restoring my extended warranty on my car.

  • Luxury right now is FREEDOM freedom of religion freedom to bear arms freedom of speech the founding fathers saw our future and knew we needed these laws from the Constitution and the Bill of Rights other stuff is backwards like buying an electric car and getting tax for driving it not finding a charging station and having and paying again to charge your car

  • Time with my daughter’s. Time with my brother. Love and a big hug when I need the most. A long kiss. A walk, holding hands with that one person who makes your heart beat quicken. Good health and good friends The beautiful place that I live in right now, today!

  • When my kids are not fighting, everything is quiet, I can hear my own thoughts, read a book and just be me that’s luxurious.

  • Being around people who lift you up and make you feel safe.
    A nice bonfire with s’mores.
    Following your dreams no matter how hard it is.

  • Luxury is being able to sleep in in the morning -enjoy leisurely coffee and not having to rush off somewhere

  • Carol Stehle -Surface

    Today luxuries are food!!! No , I am serious. My husband,Mark Surface is in end stage kidney failure and has catastrophic medical bills. His Dialysis copay is$600. a month. He has been in a wheelchair for 20 yrs and now lupus killed his kidneys.Since he is now bedridden I had to leave my job in the deli at Publix. Life is very difficult!!! Would appreciate any prayers please.

  • Luxuries are defined by whats my guilty indulgence. Luxury to me is being able to soak in a long hot bath after a long day with out interruption. Being able to buy my favorite ice cream , or sleeping in

  • Dear Grace,
    I consider these things:
    Country living
    2 vehices
    Farmer’s Market.
    Spending time with GrandKids.

    I have lived with all the bells & whistles.

    I choose peace as a luxury.

    People’s in the Cities, do not know what they are misssing.
    More, more, more, is not always a solution.

    K.i.s.s. Method

    Works everytime.

    Have a Blessed Day!!!

  • A house, a second car, basically privilege you can buy is luxury to me.

    In a poetic sense, luxury is a cat curled up in a sunbeam, someone putting a blanket on me when I need it, a lovely cup of vegan hot chocolate on a crisp cold day…

  • Luxuries for me is having my health, a loving and happy relationship with my family and husband. Having genuine friends that are with you through thick and thin and that they are a phone call away!

  • Time with family. All I want is more time together as a family. It doesn’t cost much to go hiking at a local trail. It doesn’t cost much to go for a bike ride around town. Or to go to the pool. This is time we treasure and it’s a luxury to us.

  • For me, luxeries are peace, calm and stimulating conversations with intetesting people. So harf to find, but worth it.

  • A nice roof over my head, plenty of food for myself and my children and grandchildren and to be able to see my grandchildren soon soon thank you God bless bless

  • Home and family that are well physically and emotionally. I feel the world today seems to do irreparable damage to the well being of people today . Misleading people to believing that they are not good enough or undeserving of a prosperous life it focuses on physical attributes not the beautiful qualities which we all have within us that are already present, which cost nothing.

  • Luxuries in my eyes are the things money can’t seem to buy. Our health, our creativity, our opinions, and inner peace.

  • Having a roof over my head with air condition because these Texas summers aren’t a joke. Having a car is also a luxury to me also.

  • Luxury for my family would be the ability to pay for private school, a lawn care company, eating clean and organic, and it maybe being able to take a family vacation.

  • Family, happy healthy marriage, life, after loosing my husband to cancer 8 years ago, the little ,things as simple as, when he was healthy,( he was disabled ar 30 because of a car wreck at 16) I worked, ,but when I got home my dinner was cooked dishes done, house picked up and floors swept ,laundry washed and dryer I only had to fd and put it away, it was a 2nd marriage for both we were older 52 when we married, bur we’d been best fr since we were 10,and we trusted each other with no doubts or fears,( like he said we’ve always had each other’s back why change now) my life was finally happy and I had a PC s if mind Luke never before.

  • Fresh clean air

    A walk in Nature with my Grandchildren.

    Preparing Meals with Fresh, clean produce from my Family Farm with my family.

    Clean oceans, Sea, rivers, lakes, springs

    Fresh clean Food from the Sea and Ocean.

    Whip away Greed and poverty.

  • I grew up with no remote control, no Internet/wifi, no cell phones, cable had barely came out and MTV was the best thing ever. My luxury is the remote, I live alone. Internet and WiFi because I am a DIY for everything. And oh my phone is my phone book, paper map, encyclopedia etc . All in one.

  • Luxuries in my own opinion is all materials, wish not need to be healthy mentally and physically. Mean while you feel happy and healthy the rest is just luxuries. And when I said this I’m referring to your personal as family.

  • My Family’s joys and a Nice prosperous cottage’s by a natural rocky safe creek side 5-10 acres of land and the entire word for ALL of us to have joy and prosperity and safe environment and life daily, forever.

  • guudkarma@yahoo.com

    I have been forced to take care of my mom for 10 weeks. (I can’t turn on the ac, sleeping on the broken couch,cant have a room, getting treated like I’m an indentured servant. Mom goes thru my purse, takes my cancer meds and insulin. )Been threatened with prison if I don’t comply..
    My old, crappy life that I’ve been back to( for a week, temporary) is luxury to me. I love my home, wish for my old, boring life.

  • I agree. Coffee and tea and crumpets……with my friends and family…☕🎶
    Watching the sunrise 🌻
    Watching the sunset 😁
    And shower people with lots of love ❤️ and kindness….🙏

  • Luxury to me as a warm bed and a roof over my head with food in my stomach. I’m homeless at 61. Never thought I’d be here. A veteran widow, who just found out I have a terminal illness. Life is a luxury just to breathe.

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