Are you a golden retriever or a meerkat?

Reading Time: 3 minutes


How we approach life says a lot about us. We’re all familiar with the age-old idea that a glass of water is defined by how you see it—is it half empty, or half full? Recently, I read an article about how the division we’re dealing with as Americans may not be totally a question of politics, but one of how we look at life.

Naturally, I got curious! Last week, I shared a Hot Topic asking you all to vote on your outlook on life, and share whether you see the world first as a beautiful place or a dangerous one. It was amazing to see how the votes stacked up! 

Most of us are taking on life with the attitude of a golden retriever: The world is a beautiful place, and while things might not always go the way we want, they’re likely to turn out okay. Strangers are just friends we haven’t met yet!

Only about 30% of us are approaching life like a meerkat: The world is a dangerous place and we’re always looking out for our own. Strangers could pose a threat, so it’s best to proceed with caution. 

There’s nothing wrong with being cautious, but if you’re finding yourself thinking like a meerkat most days, consider taking a few minutes–or even a few deep breaths each day–to try out being a golden retriever. Focus on something that makes you smile and take one small step to make your world (however big or small) a better place. 

Regardless of which camp we each fell into, your words about why you approach life in one way or another really got me thinking:

“The grass is greener where you water it, just as life is better when we focus more energy and attention on positive things and positive outcomes. Outlook tends to change when we change our focus habits and behaviors. We can create positive change and improve our environment and happiness if we so choose.”

“I think that in my loneliest moments, my community is a refuge. Isolation will always bring out the worst in ourselves, our society and our nation. Together we have the ability to learn and grow with empathy and understand. I’d rather be in a safe space where we all share our concerns. There I can find comfort and a path forward.”

“I love people and I give everyone a chance. I am not a bitter person just because someone has hurt me. I just proceed on with my life while taking notes where I need to protect myself from hurtful situations.”

“I feel this way because of the way we live our lives. Some of us don’t stop and smell the flowers (so to speak). We’re living in a fast paced world. It feels like what’s mine will always be mine and never yours. So you’re on your own. People don’t even say hi or even know their own neighbors anymore. We need to look out for one another.”

“I believe that for the most part, the world is good but the news focuses on the bad. I am a 911 dispatcher and every day I see the good but I also see the bad. I see all the good that the EMTs do. We all need to stop and think how drastically our lives would change if we lived in another country where war was everyday life and law was nonexistent. We have it good out here, people need to see it and be the change.” 

Weigh in–are you a golden retriever or a meerkat?