Dear Graduates…

Reading Time: 3 minutes


It’s commencement season and graduates everywhere are celebrating their years of hard work—as well they should! No matter what you’re graduating from, completing a course of study is a huge achievement and a chance to reflect on what you’ve learned. 

I recently asked you and your fellow readers what you would say to this year’s graduates as they get ready to start a new chapter in their lives. 

Listen up grads, here are our words of advice and encouragement:

“Focus on developing a balance in your lives. Spend time reflecting on your goals avoiding the pitfalls that social media may drive you toward. We are all individuals on this beautiful planet and all have amazing gifts to share with the world. Remember you are enough as you are.”

“Don’t waste time on what others say or think about you. Just focus on being the better person and keeping your side of the street clean. Oh yeah one last thing, always remember to love yourself. You’re worth it.

“Keep voting and live up to your full potential. Do not take this time for granted. Time is the most valuable thing we have and make sure you use this time to become the best you. Reach the goals you set for yourself and never listen to outside noise. Keep pushing and I will see you on the flip side.”

“To the graduates of 2024, my advice to you would be to follow your heart and mind. Learn to love and trust yourself, it will never steer you wrong. You will explore what you like and don’t like, make mistakes, but make sure you remember to never dim your light for anyone. As long as you focus on yourself, you will learn what you want and don’t want, and then you’ll be able to stand 10 toes down on those decisions and create healthy boundaries with anything that disrupts your plan for yourself, anything that hinders you from growing. Congratulations and GO BE GREAT!!!”

“Use your head. Vote for those who can deliver their promises. Live within your means. Do not forget today while concentrating about your past or worrying about tomorrow. Be kind to everyone.

“Congratulations! Go out into the world and be the best version of yourself you can create. The world needs your authentic self, that is the reason the Universe created only one of you; to be anything less would be a disservice to yourself and to all of humanity.” 

“Don’t limit yourselves to your parents’ thinking. Approach all things in life with an open mind. I would say that we have enough division in the world, but especially in this country and that your generation can show the world what unity can do. Being kind and respectful no matter our differences can go a long way with getting problems resolved.” 

“Life is short, so make sure you work in your passion. Save as much you can so you may purchase a home one day. Make sure you save in your 401k, especially if the company matches it! Be kind to everyone, because one day you may need someone.” 

“Today is a new beginning. Stand up and be proud that you made it through. Join the world in working to make the world a more beautiful and inclusive place. We survived a pandemic, now let’s help each other live. Be unique. Be bold. We only have one world. Treat her with care. <3” 

Thanks to everyone who shared advice for the Class of 2024!

Share in the comments: What was the best advice you received as a graduate or young person starting a new chapter?


  • Love your life! Travel, get secure in life before you decide to settle down! This is your best time in life, live it up!!

  • I would have to say …. Try everything you want and always believe you’re good enough. Don’t let anyone tell you different…

  • Hi, I have a 18yr step son. And even through he’s not mine I still feel very Proud of him. He’s been through so much and worked so hard! But now he has 2 or 3 more things he wants to do and he says he’s happy! He wants a job, he wants his own car, and his own place. But for now he’s staying with his dad and us! My advice, just tell them they’re doing great and are a good person! Try to encourage them, that they’ve come so far, don’t quite! Because all their hard work, crying, doing homework, detention, and all ups and downs will be for nothing! Keep pushing through and tell yourself, it will all be over and I won’t have to do it ever again if I don’t want to! Because Life is hard and scary and sometimes painful, but it’s not all about the bad stuff! I hope somehow, someone will understand what I’m saying because I’ll have to say it to my kids one day! I only hope I live that long. My oldest son is 7yr and Autistic and my youngest daughter is 2yr. God only know what will happen next month, what will happen next week, and what will happen the next day! Shoot, even in a few hours, things can change! Congratulations to all the kids all over the world for making it and to the ones who don’t, your not a bad person. Life happens and your only human! I love you all. ❤️😊🫂

  • Leketha Stallings

    Grads prepare for LIFE. The best advice I can give is start adding to a retirement fund. You will be surprised how fast time goes by. The early your investment the better.

  • Set realistic goals. Move forward because that’s the only way you are going. Sometimes dreams come true, Sometimes they don’t, don’t be disappointed find a new one. Never expect anything, expect that the unexpected and take it from there. You got this.

  • Study what you really want too..You might change your careers many times during your life time.

  • Don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve. Don’t be afraid to take chances and try new things. Be happy and remember to choose your battles, not everything is worth fighting over. Remember self care and love yourself. Take lots and lots of pictures, you won’t regret it down the road. Don’t let society tell you what you should do and what you should believe.

  • Before you dive straight into adulting, give yourself the grace to take a bit of time for yourself. You will never have the type of freedom you have right now; don’t take that for granted. Take this time to soak up another type of education: TRAVEL! Create memories, experience different cultures, soak in the beauty of it all. Plus, it’ll be a fun & unique addition to your resume!!

  • You need to take your diploma and your life experiences and Shine . With the right mindset, You can do what you ever you put your mind to do .Your most imp job is to be yourself. Never change for anyone. God made you exactly how you should be. Good Luck to You All .

  • Best Graduate advice: Do not listen to Nay Sayers. Do what you enjoy, not what others think you should do. Be brave and try new things. If you fail, try something else…failure is just a means to success….not success as others see it, But what pleases you!! As long as you aren’t hurting others or yourself, go for it. Life is short, enjoy every minute you can!!

  • I would say he proud of yourself because you made a big accomplishment and you never gave up that is why you made it this far just like I did. Keep reaching for the stars because the sky is the limit and it is just the beginning. You can never stop achieving and being successful you can only keep moving forward and keep achieving. Good luck in all your future congratulations 🎉.

  • Olive K Alexander

    I have learned that after high-school, it’s best to enjoy time with friends, and family and at times by yourself, so as you move into college, university, tradeschool or just employment you won’t feel out of place. The memories you accumulated will keep you feeling good in your tough times. Also, don’t do a career because of family pressure. Do something you’ll enjoy even when you’re not at work. Always find time to volunteer, food bank, Redcross, etc. Many life lessons will be learned in those opportunities. Find your passion. Enjoy your life.

  • Graduates make your dreams come true don’t be what someone thinks you should be you smart and determined to make it a reality be passionate about your life and career you can do anything you set your mind to do 🙏👍 you have the power!

  • If Jesus brought to it he will take you to it Reach for the stars even.pull one of them down be blessed and hold on and

    keep the faith amen!!!!

  • Keep your expectations high and never give up until you achieve them. There will be highs and lows in everything you are trying to achieve, just don’t loose focus on what is important to you! Never accept defeat, just learn from it

  • Gwendolyn Marshall

    For high school graduates it’s an exciting time. A lot of money, time, love and prayers has been invested in you. You’ll be making new friends and experiencing new things. This really is the 1st step of the ladder of your life. You will have fun, but you have to make YOU, your #1 concern. Study, learn to save money 💰. If you have a job please remember your parents were your age once and time flies by. Don’t mistake sex for love and who you’re with today might not be the one you need in the future.

    For college graduates; you’ve gotten over the 4 year hurdle now is the time to have a talk with yourself and blueprint the rest of your life. While you are preparing for the occupation you studied for get a flexible or evening job so that you are free for interviews. Whatever money you make you must save something. You will more than likely be the generation that has to fund your own retirement. Expensive clothes, trips and exotic drinks may have to be put on hold. Establish a retirement fund and also get an emergency fund. There will be car emergencies, health expenses, dental expenses… keep an emergency fund. Ask your parents how quickly did time fly. You must be prepared with common sense for the future. I’m not saying don’t have fun, but be mindful of what you spend. Also, you’re experiencing some serious “adulting”….. exercise regularly and establish a good diet. You may consider getting certified in a field like exercise to contribute to your future. You can get certifications for 8 hours to become a group fitness leader up to 6 months. Having certifications like this is a plus because it adds to your income and keeps you healthy. Also, you might want to work in a salon as a shampoo person or a restaurant. You must remember that you have a whole life to look forward to and it takes money and concentration. Good 👍 luck to you all

  • Congrats ! Try to be patient with others Be as mannerly as you can. Think before you speak. Always go with your gut, if your gut says don’t go to meet that online person, please listen to your gut. Enjoy your life, try to find work that you enjoy doing !

  • Number 1. Jesus is always first ……
    And everything else will fall into place.

    2. Yes you Can do it !

    3.Be kind to every kind .

    And Congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 🥳

  • Jakeevius Antwan Wilson

    Remember that you are the leader in your own dimension, for respect comprehension and overstanding on the mutual and cordial level is better than crashing and losing out on your dreams. For this is a start to you guys new life, remember you going to come face to face with many obstacles trials and tribulations and in order for you to see before it comes but Hope and Faith and God and not flesh never let flesh lead you to a dead end. I congratulate all my brothers and sisters and when I say brothers and sisters that’s for every race every ethnic background who’s starting a new life as a young adult for racism is ignorant selfish demonic negative energy and for the new generation of the 2024 graduation remember stay away from anything that’s negative including drugs That’s a main main big important say no to drugs anything that’s going to control your mind it’s not worth consuming inside your temple love you all and continue to shine.

  • To all the Graduates of 2024!!! This is a New Chapter for yourself and The students that come behind you, set your goals And follow pursuit of YOUR happiness , remember your being Watch So conduct your self as The Maestro, The Leader , The Example your a walking Live Journal!!!!

  • As you transition into the wonderful world we can life. Always remember work hard and play later, the first year will be extremely challenging but hanging in there but never lose sight on what’s important. Some many people think going off to school the first time is the most rewarding experiences, you’ll grow as a person and you get to know when brought you to this point in your life
    Keep in mind be a leader and not a follower.

  • Congrats to you all.My advice would be to forget what you have learned and learn how to farm and grow your own veg’s and learn how to barter.Be mindful of your elders,treat others as you would have them treat you.Praise God with his commandments and teach your children to do the same.May your journey lead you to heavens gates and may peace be upon you

  • Stephanie Massingill

    This is the first day of the rest of your life! Remember this every day, because it holds true for every single day! Always do the best you are able to do and follow your dreams! Try to stay positive! Know that nothing is without possibility! Stay true to yourself and never give up! There will be good days and bad days, but, just know, when a bad day hits, “this too shall pass”! Tomorrow is always a new day! If you need help, do not be afraid to ask for it! We all need help at times! Not everyone can help, but there are many that can, no matter what kind of help you may need! Don’t give up! Never give up! Understand also, you are not perfect and don’t beat yourself up for mistakes that you will make! Mistakes are often how we learn! Realize that, and take the time to pick yourself up, dust off, and start over! Never give up! Know that you can and will succeed! Power in and of, positive thinking! You are worthy. Always remember that. You are strong. Remember that. You “deserve” the best! Know that for a fact! You are God’s perfect Child! You will succeed, there is no doubt!
    Congratulations on this new journey in your life!

  • Congratulations graduates! This is the start of the rest of your life. The road won’t always be smooth, most of the time, seems all up hill. If you ever feel down about things remember all the good time’s and people. And when going through situations in life,what did you learn from that? The learning never stops, that’s the beautiful part. And keeping an open mind for life not just a little while. God Bless and wishing you all the best!!

  • Hello graduates! What can I say that has not been said,.. your life is ahead of you, and as I am nearing the end of my journey, I find that I worried too much, feared too much, and spent my time in doubt. Life will be stressful, there will be heartbreak, sadness and loss, but there will be joy, excitment, new discoveries, love and it is those wonderful things that you need to really spend your time in, really IN, be present in each wonderful moment, commit those things to your memory! It will be a journey that you can look back on and feel good about!

  • As my daughter graduates high school I make sure and tell her her mental health comes first and if you ever need a to take a mental break do so. Things gonna get hard sometimes that doesn’t mean give up, just step back and try a different approach. The main thing I have told her since starting high school, “Never put off for tomorrow what you can do today.”

  • First of all, Congratulations Graduates! I wish you all the best in the years a head of you. I trust that the decisions you have made so far are moving in the right direction. Building for a solid future that will assist in your years to come .

    Secondly, I wish that all your dreams will come true. You will see the future and all your dreams in there.

  • be open-minded. but pay attention to your surroundings. A closed mouth doesn’t get fed. Pick and choose your battles. Thank God when you. wake up every morning and thank him once again for whats coming to you tomorrow.

  • My advice to the new graduates of 2024 don’t get discouraged and any decision you make because you are always survive. Just remember that you can do anything you put your mind to no matter how hard or how lost you get always be honest sincere and always keep going because you can make your life and anything you want it to be, believe in yourself stay strong and move on

  • Congratulations! Take a vacation then decide what career you want to achieve; choose 2. Set goals; short term and long term. Believe in yourself! Get the necessary skills needed to take you to your next level.
    Pray and ask God for direction!
    Be Blessed!

  • I can’t really add much to what has already been written. My own life experiences have taught me to 1-to thine own self be true. 2-take one day at a time ( that’s all we really have). 3-recognize when you need help, it is a strength, not a weakness to ask for help for yourself. 4-look at each day as a gift from God, a blessing to be cherished!!

  • Alway count your blessings and not your problem. It’s so easy to focus on our problems or maybe just a problem and let it overwhelm us but if we look at all the blessings it’s easy to see that life is amazing! So don’t get laser focus on the negative stuff. Always be open to explore everything and alway stay curious! there is so much more to the world than our own view, opinion, and bubble go discover it all!!!!!

  • Sky is the limit!!! You will always listen to good and bd advises … listen to your heart using your guts and brain…. Follow your dreams and make them happen…
    You only live once!!!

  • My advice for any young person ,starting a life of working,and as being around all ages in the world of being responcible for your own safety and your own perseverance.

    Remember keeping your word,is who you are. DONT JUDGE OTHERS ,NO MATTER WHAT THE CIRCUMSTANCES.
    Always day or night,be aware of your surroundings,don’t pick up any strangers male or female,and try not to carry more than $5 cash on your person. KEEP MOST YOUR MONEY IN SAVINGS AND AND KEEP THAT BANK CARD IN A SAFE PLACE AT HOME.
    SINCERELY Donella Queen

  • Lia the Cosmic Rebel

    As I read through all the advice given to graduates: follow your heart, be true to yourself, attain your goals, work hard play hard… it goes on and on like that.
    What I can say is life is about experiences. Family, friends and money can come and go, but your experiences are what make you YOU. Put you device’s down and experience with your eyes, mind and heart.

  • Virginia Mccutchen

    The best thing to do is not to look for love to just wait patiently the best thing to do once you graduate is focus on yourself and your success and once your situated then you can be able to make sure your partner situated cuz the worst thing and relationships is fighting over money and if you’re with somebody they will want to see you successful.

  • I think continued education is a strong valid point. Never lose sight of learning and researching for yourselves! Truly the sky is the limit!!! Keep learning ladies!!!

  • My mom taught me ‘dont worry about anything. Something always works out’. Found it to be true.

  • Congratulations graduates. You have made a great accomplishment! My advice would be, don’t hesitate on your dreams go out and make them a reality. Whether it’s starting a business or going to college or getting a great job learn all you can about it and educate yourself about it and then do your best and try hard. Don’t ever second-guess yourself go with your first intuition and always do what’s right. Treat people with love and respect no matter what their walk of life. Stay focused on God your family and your goals. Good luck to your future ♥️

  • Chrishunda Lanae Jackson

    The Best Advice I can give is when all you high school Graduates Graduate keep going don’t give up go for your Dreams don’t let anything or anybody stop you fr going for your Goals because when I Graduated high school I didn’t have nobody tell me that or encourage that but I did make something wonderful out o my life I have a job Marriage and kids are I’m the works for me next

  • My best advice as a semi recent graduate myself is never pass up an opportunity. Even if it’s out of your wheelhouse. You can always network and meet someone who might be able to help you on your path.

  • The most important thing to do as an adult is to learn life basics.
    Learn to cook
    Learn how to do laundry
    Keep bills paid
    Save money for emergencies
    Be sure you have a friend or relative that you can rely on to help when needed.
    Do not take friends or lovers for granted.
    Learn empathy, tolerance & acceptance.
    Don’t be a critical because someone is different or has an opposing opinion.
    Love people for their hearts, not for what they can do for you.
    Love nature & help the planet by not littering!

  • Good for the graduates go after what you want. Do good in colleges and work from there Take some courses you need. Take a language it important in today world more then ever

  • Dearest Grad,
    Always listen to that still small voice (whispers). If you do not you will hear a loud voice! Which means it is too late. Don’t double guess yourself! You are your worst critic. Learn not to be too hard on yourself!

  • Hey everyone young and finely aged. My wonderful words of advice that I give with first hand experience and one two many regrets of things I wish I would have done but was to scared for one reason or the other. I hope my advice helps at least one of you so here it goes. My most important advice I think would be Live Life to the fullest make as many memories as you possibly can because they are the only things that are ever truly ours. That nobody can ever take from us. We will always be able to carry them with us anywhere we may go or end up. Material belongings will come and go and you can’t take them with you when you leave this world. Most all our material things will be sold off to pay for nursing homes or some type of medical care even if we are lucky enough to stay in our own homes or our children’s homes. What is not sold off to pay for our care will be given to our loved ones at sometime or another. But our memories are always there to comfort us, make us laugh, remember a time that was not so bad or even the best times of our lives. Even the ones of us who end up with dementia or Alzheimer’s we will still have some of our memories. What else do we have once we can no longer get up and move like we use to as we sit in our wheelchairs or lye in our nursing home beds but our memories that took us a life time to make. So make sure you make as many as you can. My other advice kind of goes with this as well. Don’t ever be scared to go after what you want or make your dreams and ideas in to a reality. So what if it doesn’t work out like you hoped and planned who cares if your business goes belly up. At least you tried at least you weren’t to scared to give it a go. You will recover from it and you don’t have to wish you would have and next time you will know where you went wrong and how to fix it if you want to try it again or even apply to it to your next endeavor. So these are some words of advice that I hope will help you a long your way. Remember to love as much as you possibly can , laugh often, Live life to the fullest, and always be kind.

  • Ok now you have graduated, the 1st steps to life are over with. You made choices to complete and maintain educational.goals. Now what to do? What do you want to become? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? This summer enjoy, celebrate, and hang with friends be the fun person u are. Take moments to think of what type of adult you want to be, amd when the time come set your educational goals for that, maintain focus cause the next levels are easy and there are more distractions in life. Never forget you are still finding yourself and mistakes will be made. No matter how you fall, get back up, dust off keep moving forward. Take you gifts, smarts amd talents to heights you can only dream of and love who you become in the making

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