What’s Your Glimmer?

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Between our busy routines, responsibilities at work and home, and the endless stream of news and information, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

Help us spread some positivity! Comment below to share your glimmer–something or someone that you can always count on to make your day.

Need a positivity boost? Reading the hundreds of glimmers from your fellow readers is sure to put a smile on your face!


  • I would have to say definitely my pets. I have two cats and a dog in my house. And when those furry buddies come up to me and show me affection or just even come by me for food or to be pet, it always makes my day.

  • I spend a few minutes every morning to listen to whatever music that will make me feel like I want to feel for the day. For energy I listen to fast, upbeat, heavy rock. To calm my mind and slow down my thoughts I put on light jazz and so forth. Try it and see.

  • I look forward to my fur baby Cocoa. I also looked forward to my other fur baby but she past on 2/16/24. So I make the most of my time with my fur baby Cocoa we are getting through this together. I also look forward to any and all time that I can spend with my 10 yr old grandson who is the best thing in the world to look forward to all the time.

  • I have horrible left flank / back pain due to an auto accident in 2016. Most days are started with “ oh no/ another day to push through this pain!” . I then see my lil Yorkie – Mr. Stoney! He is waking up at 12-1/2 years old with his amazing morning happy face . ! He is my reason to get up and get moving! I know he counts on me for his everything! Stoney helps me push through all of my challenges! I realize then, be grateful Terri! You have all the love of this wonderful little dog, you were left with your limbs working and no brain damage – it could be worse- someone out there would be envious to wake up with your pain , but be right here right now in your shoes, pain and all!

    Ms. Grace- this is how I get through any situation, I’m grateful for simply waking up and being grateful ( plus having Stoney !)

  • My day always starts with giving praise to my higher power. When I open my eyes I have another day to get it as close to right and positive as I can. Yesterday is gone. Today I have to live for, and tomorrow is not promised. So I live each day as if it were my last day and keep it moving with love, kindness, thankfulness, gratefulness, and forgiveness,and positivity with joy in my heart. In hopes that I may be a good advocate to influence others.

  • For me,for over 30 years,my glimmer,my joy has always been my ferrets.
    They never cease to cause me to smile with their antics and their exuberance,and I know that without them,I would have a difficult for me trying to find a reason to even exist.
    They are the reason I get out of bed everyday.

  • My whole life now and my reason for getting up is my dog Bella. My husband and daughter both died within the last 6 mths

  • I can always count on my Freddy my fiance to get me through anything life throws at me. We been together 6 years. He Literally saved my life. He now has stage four liver cancer. So idk what I will do when he is gone ya know.

  • What is my pick-me up? I go see my 7-month grand daughter. Her little hugs she know me ma there she smiles and laughs. It makes me feel great.

  • When life becomes too much, too overwhelming, hectic, stressful, too busy; I pray, I call someone I can trust to chat with, I tend to text my family in group chats we have to get a goofy ball rolling of everyone joking and laughing and sometimes to vent and have them bring me back down to reality. It helps me to forget about what is bothering me and it reminds me that it’s not that serious. I also tend to find funny memes to laugh about and share, find and share dad jokes, watch goofy or adorable animal videos, I write poetry to release myself, or I watch something on a streaming service to distract myself. I even tend to be like a kid with my adult kids and play Mario Cart and lose myself in my inner child self. Honestly, the list goes on. It’s all about finding your inner happiness and to remind yourself, it just is what it is, you will get through it and carry on.

  • Other than GOD wakes me everyday. I’ve gotten nothing else positive to say. All negative happens to me lately.

  • My Glimmer are my critters, I have had chickens for many years, our outside dog Wolfie, we have sheep that have lambs, the two sheepdogs, Edna and Edith, the cows and a calf plus the longhorn Ernestine, will eat out of your hand, the llama Esmea and our two newest additions, Rsmeralda and Ezra our peacock pair and he dances for her all the time, we also have a backyard squirrel, a family of cardinals, mockingbirds and tits that talk and sing everyday plus anytime now the hummingbirds, scissortails, purple martins, swallows and robins will be back along with the heron, geese, hawk, buzzards and crows flying over, almost forgot the chickadee, it’s great to go outside and listen and watch them all, the cows, sheep, dogs and peacock love treats and Cra Cra, Loudy and Miss Piggy the chickens will jump on my lap and eat out of my hand.

  • My best friend is my rock, and he is always good for a glimmer of hope and a pick me up! He has been a lifesaver (pineapple flavored) since I moved back in with my parents to care for my declining mom, and instead of being 40 minutes away like he was, now it’s less than five. I consider myself blessed by the Universe for him being placed in my path over 20 years ago.

  • My kids and grandkids are my life when I get overwhelmed with life struggles right now I’m dealing with a lot but I’m not going to let it bother me

  • Looking out the window after my Siamese cat wakes me up . Greeting my 3 dogs, so happy to see me always makes me feel better about the world.

  • When things get tough I can always depend on my cats for a snuggle as their purr calms my soul. I also try to remember to count my blessings. I have a roof over my head, a warm bed to sleep in, fresh clean water to drink, and food in my fridge. Many people don’t have those things. Counting my blessings.

  • Tending to my plants and watching them grow. I get to view the results of what giving kindness and tenderness brings.

  • I have cancer. It is almost in remission. I always to awake and be thankful that I am on the right side of the grass, today.

  • I remind myself that my life is not bad…I have a job, I had a warm bed to sleep in, hot water to bathe, and food to eat. I think about th massive amount of homelessness in this country, and I’m blessed to have all that I have. If I have a full day of meetings, I play gospel music in the background to give me inspiration and strength. Other times, I play one of my favorite Playlist to chill while I’m working.

  • You are taking time away from putting joy into your life. Try think of positive things. Angry is not doing anything for you!!! Everyday pick 5 things of beauty. The birds,or a sunset or animals playing. Laughing releases good things in your head. Make this a habit every day and you will notice a difference. Also get as much sunshine as you can. Good luck. We are on your side.

  • My Mz Lady. She takes care of me so I can take care of her. She trains me and has me educated in quantum stuff and psychology. I love them.
    Blessed be. NAMASTE

  • Every morning i wake up and thank Jesus for another day! Another day to shine and spread kindness. Never know how someone else’s day is going but when you see my smile or kind words it may help someone have a better day! Enjoy Life. We only have One.

  • Christina Riedmiller

    Dear Grace, i have been having a very hard time in life! Only 47 & challenge lots of physical challenges! But with God everything is possible!

  • I can always count on great friends who love me unconditionally and have been with me through thick and thin. They are My Famiky🩷

  • What keeps me going is my family. I have a praying mother and sister. I believe in the power of prayers.

  • I have four amazing grandsons. i am blessed to spend everyday with at least one or all of them at any given week. They are my shining light. I live in the country and somedays just getting up and sitting on my porch swing and listening to the quiet will always make me feel amazing.

  • What makes me get through any days some not so good some not so bad but God. He’s
    The constant in my life and my loving 🥰 sons. I also thank God
    For my Momma still living here with us be
    The good Lords will she’ll turn 93
    On Feb 28th

  • I’m A Stay At Home Wife, Therefore I’m Not Around Many Other People On A Daily Basis & Especially Since COVID Has Showed It’s Face, So One Of The Best Glimmers Brought Into My Life Each Day Is Looking Forward To My Husband To Come Home Each Day To Have A Lil Adult Conversation With, My Other Glimmer Is When I Hear From My 3 Sons & As We All Do, They Have Their Own Busy Lives, Girlfriends, & Schedules Between School Or Work, So I Dont Always Get The Chance To Hear From Them Daily But At Least Weekly & Thats Probably The #1 Glimmer To Brighten My Days & Put A Smile On My Face!! 💕

  • My dogs they wake me up in the morning to tell me they have to go outside. Now I automatically wake up and it doesn’t matter how cold or how hot we have to go outside but in the cooler weather my boxer bird dog is such a goofy dog it’s so much fun to take her for a walk she makes me laugh all day long.
    Then I have a red ear slider that I’ve had for 35 years and she has traveled this whole country with me and she’s so much loves to hear me sing to her.

  • Yes I going through a lot with death in the family to just not having a moment to myself it’s hard to deal with the ones around you or others church and school alot of stress comes with this and not everyone around is happy for you so I just take it one day by day and pray to God for my strength.

  • Kill your ex with kindness,let him see what he should/could have had.His lost , “life goes on with or without himself why not make it worth the feelings you are already feeling..

  • Look in the mirror everyday and say out with the old, then claim happiness, peace, love and success over every area of your life. You deserve it.

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